Posthumous Baccalaureate Degree

Custodian of Policy: Registrar

Relevant Minnesota State Policy:

Effective Date: Spring 2018

Last Review: Spring 2018

Next Review: Spring 2025


When a student has made considerable progress towards the completion of a degree, Minnesota State University Moorhead will extend to the campus community, family and friends an opportunity to share in the student’s academic success. The following minimum requirements must be met to award a posthumous baccalaureate degree.

  1. The student must be enrolled at MSUM at the time of death (excluding summer), or their continuous enrollment was interrupted by their injury, illness, military service, or other extenuating circumstances.
  2. The student must have completed at least 70% of the credit hour requirements of an academic program.
  3. The student must have completed at least twelve credits from the department which awards the major.
  4. The student must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA or meet the GPA requirements of their program in the case of programs with higher GPA requirements.
  5. The student must be in good academic standing and not on university disciplinary probation.


The death of a student is a serious loss to family members and the university community. The university shall respond with sensitivity and care, providing support to family and community members touched by the loss. One means of providing this support is to acknowledge the academic achievement of the student.