University Policy Review Procedure

Custodian of Policy: President

Relevant MSUM Policy: University Policy Development

Effective Date: Current

Last Review: 2016

Next Review: 2023

University Policy Review Procedure

The Policy Administrator (ex-Officio, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance and Administration) coordinates the regular review, revision and elimination of University policies, ensuring that all University policies are reviewed in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders (students, faculty and staff).

The Policy Administrator will communicate with Policy Custodians during the summer months to identify which of their policies are due for review, according to the seven-year review cycle, and other policies they would like reviewed during the upcoming academic year.

A policy review calendar that includes multiple review periods during the academic year will be issued at the beginning of each fall semester. A policy review schedule will be communicated to include those received from the open call and from custodians.

In cases where MSUM policies replicate MnSCU policies, the MSUM policy template will be used and include a link to the MnSCU policy, with text that reads ‘Minnesota State University Moorhead directly follows the MnSCU policy found here’.

The policy review period will be a minimum of 20 instructional days before a Meet and Confer meeting date. Policies under review will be a regular Meet and Confer agenda item, added to the meeting agenda by administration.

If issues arise during the review process, the Policy Administrator will consult with Policy Custodians to gain direction on how to proceed.