Sexual Violence Prevention

President's Task Force on Sexual Violence Prevention

President Anne Blackhurst initiated the President’s Task Force on Sexual Violence Prevention in Fall 2014 following highly publicized incidents of alleged sexual assault on campus. Following community dialogues involving students, staff and faculty taking place formally in the Faculty Development Center and the Women’s Center and informally throughout campus, President Blackhurst committed to building a shared vision on how to respond to sexual violence on campus. The Task Force recognizes our campus community has engaged various levels of conversations regarding the impact of sexual violence, but this charge is unique in that it is the first time we have taken such a comprehensive approach to address sexual violence under the leadership of campus administration. By acknowledging a persistent rape culture, not unique to our campus, President Blackhurst engaged an institution-wide process that began with the convening of a Task Force to assess, coordinate, and evaluate current and potential MSUM community resources to ensure a “campus culture in which sexual violence… is not tolerated.” The following is the Final Report fulfilling the charge of the President’s Task Force on Sexual Violence Prevention regarding MSUM specific recommendations on how to begin fulfilling this goal.