Admission to the Paseka School of Business

MSUM students must apply for admission to the Paseka School of Business to enroll in all upper-level (300 or above) Paseka School of Business courses except ACCT 230 & 231. The courses FINC 340, MGMT 260, and MKTG 270 require completion of 40 semester hours before enrollment. You must complete the Application for Admission and meet the following admission requirements:

  1. An overall GPA of 2.50, which includes all MSUM courses and courses accepted in transfer.
  2. Completed or be currently enrolled in the following MSUM courses (or equivalent courses accepted in transfer):
    • ACCT 230 & 231
    • COMM 100
    • CSIS 104
    • ECON 202 & 204
    • ENGL 101
    • MATH 234
  3. The student has agreed to the Paseka School of Business Integrity Oath.

To review your completed courses and GPA, please access your Degree Audit.