Deborah White, PhD, BA, AAS

Deborah White, PhD, BA, AAS
Sociology & Criminal Justice Department
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2041218.477.2041
LO 212C


PhD, Sociology, State University of New York, Albany

Interests/Areas of Specialization

Women’s Political Leadership, Political Sociology, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Sexualities, Quantitative Methods

Selected Publications

Sobieraj, Sarah and Deborah White. 2007 “Could Civic Engagement Reproduce Political Inequality?” in Acting Civically: From Urban Neighborhoods to Higher Education. Susan Ostrander and Kent Portney, editors. University Press of New England.

Sobieraj, Sarah and Deborah White. 2004. “Taxing Political Life: Revaluating the Relationship Between Voluntary Association Membership, Political Engagement, and the State” Sociological Quarterly 45, 4, 739-764

Moore, Gwen and Deborah White. 2001. “Gender Inequality and National Elite Networks in Twenty-Four Industrialized Societies” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 41, 53, 2001, 136-151.

Research Pursuits

Dr. White’s current research focus has been on women and leadership, with a particular emphasis on women’s representation in elective offices.

Other Accomplishments

2001-present. Coordinator, Tri-College National Education for Women’s Leadership Development Institute.

2008. YWCA of Cass-Clay Women of the Year Award for a Business or Organization that Empowers Women (for the Tri-College NEW Leadership Development Institute).

2007. Minnesota State University Moorhead Academic Affairs Excellence Award for Service to the University.

2005. Minnesota State University Moorhead Academic Affairs Excellence Award for Service to Community.

2004. Minnesota State University Moorhead 2004-05 Dean’s Lecture Series Distinguished Lecturer.

Courses Offered

Research Methods and Statistics, Quantitative Methods, LGBTQ Issues, Sociology of Gender, Political Sociology