Frequently Asked Questions About the MS in Educational Leadership

Answer all your frequently asked questions about MSU Moorhead’s MS & Specialist in Educational Leadership below or by contacting the program coordinator.

What is the difference between a Specialist Degree and a master's degree?

The basic training standard for graduate programs in educational leadership is a minimum of 30-36 semester credits. In some cases, this may result in the student being eligible for an administrative license. Some states require additional, more advanced coursework for licensure, and this is offered through the Specialist degree program.

How long will it take me to complete the program?

We are NOT a cohort program so we can build the program to meet your needs. The length of time to complete a degree will be determined on what you want to achieve and how many courses you want to take at any one time. Most students complete their degree in 4-5 semesters.

What is the cost of tuition and fees at MSUM?

MSUM Educational Leadership tuition and fees are competitive with similar programs in the region. The cost of graduate tuition for master's degree and specialist degree graduate classes is available on the Educational Leadership Cost Page.

Tuition and fees are set by Minnesota State University Moorhead under the policies of the Minnesota State System Board and are subject to change. MSU Moorhead is committed to keeping costs as low as possible for students.

What additional coursework do I need to be licensed as an administrator in multiple areas?

Many of the courses cover all areas of licensure but there are certain courses that are specific to each area of licensure. Your advisor will help you determine what courses you need for each area.

If I have a master's degree in an area other than educational leadership, can I use any of those credits toward a licensure program?

It is possible that some of those courses will apply to licensure. Your advisor will review your transcripts and help you determine which course could be used. You can also check with the Program Coordinator, and they can review your transcripts as well.

If I’m licensed in another state, can MSUM help me get what I need to be licensed as an administrator elsewhere?

We would review your coursework and determine what additional courses you would need based on the requirements of that state.