Speech-Language Pathology Post-Baccalaureate Program

Have you already completed your undergraduate degree? Are you now interested in a career in speech-language pathology? If so, check us out!

We welcome post-baccalaureate students at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM)! If you are seeking the necessary undergraduate background in speech-language pathology in order to prepare for graduate study, you will enroll as an undergraduate transfer student for one year. During your postbacc sequence, you will apply for graduate school. If accepted, you and the other admitted students will have the option to begin clinical experience in the summer or begin with the full cohort in the fall. Students typically complete the graduate program in five semesters, starting in the fall.

Our suggested two semester sequence (one year program) of study is below. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Program Coordinator

Elaine Pyle, PhD, MS, MS, BA (She/Her/Hers)
Associate Professor | Department Chair
Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2393218.477.2393