Student Academic Conference 2021 Presentations
The 23rd Andrew B. Conteh Student Academic Conference is proud to present the following faculty-mentored research and creative works of MSUM students. It represents a small sample of the research and creative projects our students do every year throughout the university. You’re encouraged to support our students and their mentors by visiting their dynamic and varied presentations.
The conference schedule includes 199 oral or poster presentations featuring 274 students. They are eager to share their projects with you!
- 8:15 am - 9:15 am | Featured Graduate Students | Julianne Monceaux & Roberta Aakhus
- 9:25 am - 9:35 am | Welcome & Introductions
- 9:40 am - 11:00 am | Session I Presentations
- 10:00 am - 3:00 pm | Meet the Employers - Hiring & Networking
- 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | Keynote Speakers
Sarah Borgerding, Growth Advisor for Health Partners
Tomi Sawyer, Chief Drug Hunter and President of Maestro Therapeutics - 12:40 pm - 2:00 pm | Session II Presentations
- 2:10 pm - 3:30 pm | Session III Presentations
You can search the schedule in various ways: student name, faculty mentor, title, topic, presentation format, session time, or keyword.
Title | Student | Format | Session | Time & Location | Mentor: | Department: | Abstract: | Presentation ID: | |
A Cluttered Car is a Cluttered Mind |
Christian Hustad
Madison Steffel
Zachary Rinne
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Group B
Siwei Zhu | Paseka School of Business | After researching various individuals, our group has an awareness that large families with children have can have issues keeping their car clean and organized, as well as providing entertainment for the children. However, as individuals who do not have children, we are unaware of what age range this product would be most efficient for, what the most common forms of amusement for children are, and what general disorganization is from a parent’s perspective. We’ve constructed the “Traveling Tray” to deliver entertainment and organization in your family’s transportation experience. This product is user friendly and has the ability to move around the vehicle. It also will include room for garbage and storage to ensure tidiness. Parents are seeking an affordable product to help make their car a more entertainable place when traveling with their little ones, along with keeping the car neater for everyone to be a part of a pleasurable traveling experience. Our “Traveling Tray” helps busy parents who want to maximize their car’s cleanliness by reducing clutter and providing a clearer mind while driving, unlike normal storage |
6044 | |
A Literature Review: Achilles Tendinopathy and Effective Treatments |
Tomomi Nishihara
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Dawn Hammerschmidt, Jay Albrecht | Health and Physical Education Department | The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the human body. At times during athletic activities, stress on the Achilles tendon can reach up to ten times the body’s weight. Achilles tendon injury can be acute or chronic, and can broadly be defined as a form of tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is the term that indicates tendinitis, tendinosis, and tenosynovitis. This literature review examines the Achilles tendon anatomy, etiology associated with the Achilles tendon, signs and symptoms common with tendinopathies, and treatments utilized to assist in the healing process with Achilles tendinopathies. Achilles tendinopathy is often related to increased physical activity and a failed healing response from a previous Achilles tendon injury – an injury that can include both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors. The common mechanism of injury/etiology is generally unknown. Common treatments are therapeutic ultrasound, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), eccentric exercise, platelet-rich plasma injection, surgical treatment, and/or a combination of them. Many are relatively new and need further study for standardization. |
2869 | |
A Literature Review: Energy Drinks and Their Effects on the Human Body |
Maija Maaninga
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Dawn Hammerschmidt, Jay Albrecht | Health and Physical Education Department | Energy drinks claim to increase energy, reduce fatigue, and to help boost sports performance in athletes, however, the average person is unaware of the side effects that may occur after consuming an energy drink. This literature review highlights the history, brands, ingredients, effects, injuries, prevention and education associated with energy drinks. A major concern with energy drinks is overconsumption of these types of products, especially when it involves ingestion over a short period of time. Additionally, there is debate regarding age restrictions for purchasing energy drinks, specifically for adolescents. A primary goal of this literature review is to provide users with correct information regarding energy drinks, and to create awareness of energy drink product labeling. Avoiding potential bodily harm from overuse of energy drink products is a positive outcome when correct information is delivered to the public, and awareness is realized. |
2861 | |
A Literature Review: Sleep Effect of Athletic Performance |
Tara Gebur
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Jay Albrecht, Dawn Hammerschmidt | Health and Physical Education Department | Circadian rhythms, sleep quality, and sleep hygiene are major factors that can affect sleep and inhibit athletic performance. This literature review is an analysis of these specific factors. Jet lag, an extreme tiredness, along with other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across several time zones, is a condition that can affect sleep quality and sleep hygiene for athletes when traveling across countries or traveling internationally to compete in sport events. A primary focus of this literature review was to identify the individual effects of sleep deprivation and how circadian rhythm disruption can affect bodily functions. Gross motor function was shown to remain relatively normal, but fine motor function and split decision making was shown to be altered. Various recommendations were suggested to maintain circadian rhythm, to improve sleep quality, and boost cognitive function. |
2887 | |
A Literature Review: Transgender Athlete Participation in Sport |
Hannah Perry
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Dawn Hammerschmidt, Jay Albrecht | Health and Physical Education Department | Transgender athlete participation in sport is prevalent in today’s society, yet it still lacks the necessary research and policies to accommodate transgender individuals. Currently, three types of policies set standards in school and athletic settings, acknowledging transgender individuals; restrictive policy, full inclusive policy; and partially inclusive policy. Each policy type determines the extent to which a transgender athlete is offered the choice to compete on the team they feel best identifies with their gender identity, as well as the surrounding regulations associated with that choice. Policy development is an important step in limiting the discrimination, stereotyping, victimization, and bullying that these athletes commonly experience. This literature review examined the proper use of pronouns and terminology, currently implemented policies, policy development, perceptions of the healthcare professional, best practice guidelines, mental health considerations, suicide prevention education, and research deficits pertaining to transgender athlete participation in sport. |
2870 | |
A local and global approach to understanding grassland ecology |
Tyler Edvall
Jake Pundsack
Patrice Delaney
Gabriella Ruiz
Julia Imdieke
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
Alison Wallace | Biosciences Department | This will be our fifth year of following protocols and contributing data to the Nutrient Network, a global research network of over 140 sites around the world studying grassland ecology. Our site, ‘North Pond’ was established in 2016 on a 20+ year prairie restoration at MSUM’s Regional Science Center is part of a ten-year commitment to the network. Along with global research, independent local research projects have been established at North Pond. This includes a project examining the frequency of galls on goldenrod plants in fertilized vs unfertilized plots. According to NutNet protocols (Nutrient Network 2016), each NutNet site is split into three blocks, each with 10 5x5 m plots for a total of 30 plots. Factorial combinations of nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium - NPK) will be added for the fifth year to designated 5x5 m plots at both sites in spring. We will be measuring plant biomass, species diversity, light intensity, and abundance using NutNet protocols for the North Pond site (Nutrient Network 2016). So far, our data have shown an increase in biomass and a decrease in plant species diversity in the fertilized plots, a typical result of other NutNet sites across the globe (Nutrient Network 2016).
3886 | |
A Proposal: The emotional impact of “humanizing cadavers” in undergraduate nursing students |
Ryan Schrock
Fathi Abdullahi
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Patricia Wisenden | Biosciences Department | The learning of human gross anatomy through the use of human cadaver dissection provides an intellectual, emotional and once in a lifetime learning experience. With human cadaver use being such an imperative method to learn human anatomy, many students are beginning to increasingly get this opportunity which equates into a multitude of different emotional responses amongst students of various different gender’s, religions and socio-demographics. Wisenden PA et al. (2018) study on the emotional response to human cadaver use, found that although all individuals initially responded to cadaver use with an increase in anxiety level(s), students that self-identified as white adjusted to cadaver dissection by the six-week mark in the semester. Whereas, those individuals who self-identified as non-white had an increased level of anxiety throughout the whole semester (approximately 16 weeks). Each donor comes with a medical and social history including occupation. These histories ‘humanize’ the cadavers by letting us know about their lives. Medical history includes cause of death as well as all known surgeries and issues in the donors past done by systems (e.g. issues with breathing due to smoking; 4 heart attack and pacemaker implantation). Social history of the donors includes activities the donor partook in such as birdwatching, crafts and sports. Medical and social history of the donors are not directly in the teaching of Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAP). This current study is to measure the emotional impact of cadaver dissection in nursing students that are given the medical and social history of each donor (humanizing cadavers) compared to nursing students that are not given information (non-humanizing cadavers). The study will utilize both a survey and an interviewing process. |
2878 | |
A Thematic Analysis of the Attitudes and Perceptions of Faculty Towards Inclusion of Interprofessional Education in Healthcare Curriculum |
Tracy Eisenschenk
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:40 PM-2:00 PM
Group B
Jitendra Singh | School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership | This qualitative study aimed to explore attitudes and perceptions of faculty towards inclusion of interprofessional education (IPE) in healthcare curriculum. Efforts were made to explore faculty members’ definition of IPE, significance of including IPE in content and curriculum and resources available to implement such initiatives in healthcare education programs. Further, challenges faced while including IPE in curriculum were also explored. Face to face semi structured interviews were conducted, and a six-step thematic analysis framework was utilized to analyze the collected data. Further, four dimension criteria was utilized to establish the rigor of the study. Eleven participants across undergraduate and graduate health profession programs participated in in-depth semi structured interviews. Findings suggest that faculty defined IPE through the framework of teamwork, the integration of clinical and non-clinical health-based disciplines, and as a means to foster experiential learning. Faculty identified organizational support, culture, the healthcare industry, administration, and accreditation as both resources and barriers to the successful implementation of IPE. Because there is paucity of research on IPE in clinical and non-clinical health disciplines, this research can provide practical tips to both academic administrators and faculty members. |
5040 | |
Agglomeration and the Future of Cities: An Economic Analysis |
Caroline Wirries
Oral Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-10:00 AM
Group D
Tonya Hansen | Economics, Law and Politics, Department of | Economic agglomeration refers to an urbanized area, such as a city, in which businesses and residents in close proximity constitute a hub of economic activity. In addition to influencing productivity and profits in the short run, agglomerative effects also contribute to the survival of businesses in the long run. This research uses SWOT analysis to evaluate economic research from the past two decades focused on agglomerative effects. Results demonstrate the survivability functions of firms and offer insights to people searching for careers within agglomerative cities. An updated understanding of agglomerative effects can lead to future prosperity for individuals and businesses alike. |
4995 | |
An Analytical Data Analysis of Antarctic Penguins |
Nathan Snell
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
Christopher Merkord | Biosciences Department | An Analytical Data Analysis of Antarctic Penguins
4952 | |
An Exploration in Video Game Mechanics: Field of View, Edge Resolution, and Object Detection |
Nathan Heidt
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | The goal of this project is to explore and discuss a common mechanic used in video game development, Field of View, and common related concepts and considerations. This project involves using Unity Engine, a commonly used development environment in the video game industry, as well as the C# programming language for the implementation. In this project, a simple visualization consisting of a player object, play area, obstacles, and a number of target objects is created. In this visualization, the player object is able to move around the environment in conjunction with a “field of view” representation in order to illustrate how the field can be used to detect objects within its range, as well as how the field itself is affected by objects designed to obstruct it. Using this environment, some of the challenges and considerations involved in implementing such a feature, as well as their solutions, are discussed. |
2852 | |
Analogs of the Drug Antipyrine: Synthesis of 2-Aryl and 5-Ethyl 4,5-Dihydro Analogs |
Hannah Wiersma
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Craig Jasperse | Chemistry Department | Antipyrine, a 5-membered pyrazolone ring including two nitrogens and a carbonyl, has been identified by colleagues at Mayo as an early-stage drug candidate for treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Our group is synthesizing analogs of antipyrine to better understand and optimize the spatial and polarity dimensions of the drug for improved IPF treatment. Antipyrine has a C5-methyl group, an N2-phenyl, and a double bond between C4 and C5. I will report optimization studies for the preparation of single-bonded dihydro analogs. The process allows for phenyl-substituted analogs, and for replacement of either methyl group. I have worked out a procedure in which methyl hydrazine adds to 2-butenoic acid to give 1,5-dimethylpyrazolidinone in good yield. N2-arylation by iodobenzene is catalyzed by a novel copper(I) iodide-diamine catalyst. I will report on a series of optimization experiments that screened the impacts of time, temperature, solvent, oxygen, workup, scale, and product purification. The current process appears to be very practical, scalable, and efficient in yield and purity. Procedural details and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance structural characterization will be presented. I will also report on preparation of the 5-ethyl analog by use of 2-pentenoic acid instead of 2-butenoic acid. Preliminary results in which the N2-phenyl group or the N1-methyl group are modified may also be reported. |
2872 | |
Android Manager App |
Mohamed Hassan Conde
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | The application to be displayed will employ good UI design that will make user interaction simple and efficient. The app will be using a SQL database whereas the user will be able to manage. Therefore, the user will be able to modify changes to the database through the app. The app will use android navigation that allows users easily navigate through sections of the app. API features especially the google API will be implemented in the application as well |
2880 | |
Anytime, Anywhere: Road Trip Saver |
Brandi Anderson
Casie Floberg
Samantha Johansen
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Group B
Siwei Zhu | Paseka School of Business | Brandi Anderson |
2850 | |
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Standard Intervention for Individuals Diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Sydney Honek
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
Kris Vossler | Speech/Language/Hearing Clinic | This literature review discusses the progressive neurodegenerative disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The slow death of motor neurons located in the cerebral cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord directly impacts one’s ability to carry out tasks such as walking, talking, eating, swallowing, breathing, and more. Many are believed to feel a sense of loss, stripped of their true identity when facing this terminal disease. This review highlights the influence this diagnosis has on one’s communication and the important role augmentation and alternative communication (AAC) plays. Proper implementation of AAC is imperative and must be completed in a timely manner when faced with a time-sensitive diagnosis. Existing research supports that factors contributing to delayed implementation of AAC include limited knowledge base, limited access to adequate assistive technology, and individuals who are reluctant to comply with the process. AAC has been demonstrated to serve as an effective intervention to increase quality of life in many individuals across the lifespan. It is now more important than ever to increase education in the field of speech-language pathology regarding AAC including voice and message banking to advocate for all individuals served regardless of prognosis and work towards decreasing the stigmas associated with AAC as an intervention. |
4926 | |
Bacterial Mutagenesis and its Ability to Inhibit Bacteriophage Infection |
Beau Ayers
Ethan Dotzler
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
Sara Anderson | Biosciences Department | The purpose of this project is to use UV radiation to induce random mutagenesis in the genome of Microbacterium foliorum and to test a bacteriophage, which is known to infect this bacteria, to see if it is still prolific in infection. Our reasoning for this experiment is to not only discover specific genes in the bacteria, but also to see if a phage can adapt to the ever evolving bacteria. We will be using UV light to mutate the bacteria’s DNA, from this we will test the infectivity of our bacteriophage by introducing it to the mutated bacteria as well as a control. Comparing the two infections we can either confirm or deny that something changed to cause a difference in infection. We will conclude with sequencing the DNA of the mutated bacteria to further confirm our findings. Using the sequenced DNA we can compare it to a non-mutated DNA and finally come to the conclusion that we caused a mutation that caused a change in infectivity. This research can lead to understanding and discovering the proteins bacteriophages use to manipulate the bacteria. |
4944 | |
Best Practice in Tele-practice with AAC Clients |
Kylee Fernholz
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
Kris Vossler | Speech/Language/Hearing Clinic | Tele-practice has become an essential, effective and innovative way to provide speech and language intervention to a wide range of clients. Continued research on the efficacy of tele-practice intervention is in high demand, especially for those individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication. When providing intervention via tele-practice with individuals who use ACC, also known as tele-AAC, there are important considerations to decide if tele-AAC is appropriate and best practice for an individual. Best Practice in Tele-practice with AAC Clients looks at the client candidacy, environmental needs, the importance of connectivity and the use of facilitators to help provide the most ethical, and effective intervention possible for individuals who use AAC. Continued research is needed in the area of tele-AAC to create evidence-based practice. |
4930 | |
Big Time Small Business |
Devon Rheault
Adam Sakry
Cody Pulczinski
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
Group B
Siwei Zhu | Paseka School of Business | Established small businesses need help standing out online against competition. However, we don't know exactly how each company wants to be represented online. We want to create a service that gives small businesses the flare and personality to stand out against competition with creative, humorous content. We will tap into each business's needs by conducting interviews with 15 unique businesses in different industries. We will create high quality, entertaining content that will help to create Big Time Small Business. |
2857 | |
Bitcoin's protocol and mining |
Tenzin Wise
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:00 PM-1:20 PM
Group G
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | This is a project on how bitcoin protocol and mining works. I will be specifically researching on the mathematical concept (algorithm) behind the mining process and how it gets executed using the programming language, python. I will also be presenting on bitcoin protocol and it's source code. The study will also include how bitcoin although a revolutionary decentralized system could also have it's set back through privacy issues. |
4980 | |
Body Image and Eating Patterns in Older Adults |
Anna Ellenson
Oral Presentation | 1 |
10:20 AM-10:40 AM
Group A
Jessica Brown | Counseling and Student Affairs | The purpose of this study was to observe patterns in eating and body image within the older population. Research (Peat et al., 2008) suggests that body dissatisfaction has become a socially normative feeling and that older women, in particular, are pressured to alter their appearance to adhere to society’s beauty standards. Because of these feelings of dissatisfaction, older adults are at an increased risk of developing eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder (Peat et al., 2008; Phillips, 2014). This study utilized a phenomenological approach to observe lived experiences related to patterns in older adults’ body image and eating patterns throughout the lifetime. |
2866 | |
Britain's Industrial Revolution: How it Negatively Impacted London's Working Class |
Jenna Holmer
Oral Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
Group B
Nathan Clarke | History, Languages, Critical Race and Women's Studies, Department of | Great Britain’s Industrial Revolution is typically considered as a period of new technological innovations and advances. Although industrialization supplied the country’s citizens with different means of employment and allowed for more efficiency, the revolution failed to positively enact complete change within the working classes. Instead, it produced strenuous work, destitute living conditions, and child labor, amongst other atrocities. The presentation analyzes the revolution and discusses how it negatively affected London’s working class. A variety of primary and secondary sources were utilized in order to explore not only how poor men, women, and children were harmed by industrialization but also how they lived day-to-day.
4895 | |
Bug Tracker Application |
Jacob Borgerding
Oral Presentation | 1 |
10:40 AM-11:00 AM
Group G
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | In the computer science field, a common issue that has always plagued developers is the software bug. A software bug is an error, flaw, or fault in a computer program or system that causes an unexpected result. Bugs, if not managed properly, can cause developers various issues ranging from small programming flaws to system breaking errors. To help manage these bugs I have created a bug tracker web application that can keep track of bugs for specific projects. Users can create projects and assign bugs to them so that other users, that have been allowed, can look at the detected bugs and start fixing them if necessary. If a user associated with a project wants to start working on resolving a bug, they can indicate to the other users that they are either currently working on or have completed it by setting the status next to the reported bug. By programming my own bug tracking application I can reduce development time, create better communication between developers, and deliver a higher quality product. |
4986 | |
Can You Hear Me Now? Effects of Smartphones on Dyadic Conversations |
Josie Ova
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
Rochelle Bergstrom | Psychology Department | Research has indicated that the use of smartphones while engaging in dyadic conversation leaves the persons less satisfied with the quality of their conversations (Dwyer, Kushlev, & Dunn, 2017). Excessive smartphone usage within these encounters has been shown to hinder the satisfaction of the overall relationship. This study examined the effects of a smartphone within a dyadic conversational encounter. College-aged participants were observed on head movements, automated phone checking behaviors, and amount of eye-contact when placed in a room with a confederate whom either had no smartphone present, smartphone visible but on silent, or smartphone visible and audible. It is predicted that participants in either of the smartphone present conditions will be less interactive during the conversation than those within the no smartphone condition. It is also predicted that self-reported conversation quality will be lower when in either of the smartphone present conditions than those in the no smartphone condition. |
4938 | |
Can Zebrafish Detect Alarm Cue Released During A Predation Event? |
Alexis Taylor
Jessica Undem
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-2:30 PM
Group C
Brian Wisenden | Biosciences Department | The chemical ecology of predator-prey relationships is a well-studied topic in the field of biology. When predators damage prey during a predation attempt, the damaged tissue of the prey releases a chemical alarm cue into the surrounding water and this serves as a reliable indicator of risk to nearby prey. The quantity of alarm cue released during one of these events has not been determined. This question in the context of large predators is even more complex. Large fish consume prey by suction feeding, the opening of their mouth pulls in the fish and the water surrounding it. This inhalation means there is no direct contact between predator and prey until the prey is swallowed. We demonstrated that largemouth bass can engulf a zebrafish without releasing a detectable amount of chemical alarm cue and continued by performing a separate gastric lavage experiment to demonstrate that the inhalation does not cause epidermal damage to the prey. |
4963 | |
Character Generation System for d20 RPGs focusing on D&D and PF |
Kevin O'Brien
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | The process and result of the development of a character generation system with GUI for d20 RPGs focusing on D&D and PF |
5042 |