Student Academic Conference 2022 Presentations
The 24th Andrew B. Conteh Student Academic Conference is proud to present the following faculty-mentored research and creative works of MSUM students. It represents a small sample of the research and creative projects our students do every year throughout the university. You’re encouraged to support our students and their mentors by visiting their dynamic and varied presentations.
- 8:45 am - 9:15 am | Featured Graduate Student Live Stream | Oksana Bihun
- 9:25 am - 9:35 am | Welcome & Introductions
- 9:40 am - 11:00 am | Session I Presentations
Live stream from CMU 105
Live stream from CMU 205
Remote presenter session - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Meet the Employers - Hiring & Networking
- 11:00 am - 11:45 am | Lunch
- 11:45 am - 12:30 pm | Keynote Speaker Webinar | Dr. Heather Cegla
- 12:40 pm - 2:00 pm | Session II Presentations
Live stream from CMU 105
Live stream from CMU 205 - 2:10 pm - 3:30 pm | Session III Presentations
Live stream from CMU 105
Live stream from CMU 205
You can search the schedule in various ways: student name, faculty mentor, title, topic, presentation format, session time, or keyword.
Title | Student | Format | Session | Time & Location | Mentor: | Department: | Abstract: | Presentation ID: | |
A Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Crime, Perpetrators, and Victims in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Across Time |
Aujanae Eubanks
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
2nd Floor West Hallway
Easel #: 25
Rochelle Bergstrom | Psychology Department | Previous studies have shown that fictional crime dramas tend to utilize the ideal victim stereotype by disproportionately portraying White female victims (i.e., Parrott & Parrott, 2015). However, research findings are mixed with regard to the ideal offender being stereotypically portrayed as a minority male. The current content analysis will explore these stereotypes over a 22-year period as depicted in the television crime drama, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU), by observing the pattern of differences in crime details, demographics, and trial outcomes in randomly selected episodes from seasons 1 and 23. Specifically, we will observe and code variables such as crime type, weapon use, various offender and victim demographic characteristics, trial outcomes, and sentencing terms using a modified coding scheme based on one created by Parrott and Parrott (2015). We expect to detect greater diversity in the race and gender of perpetrators and victims in season 23 compared to season 1. The current content analysis will extend earlier work in this area that has produced contrasting results in the past. |
6192 | |
A Cursory Overview of Business Ethics |
Aleta Sanford
Oral Presentation | 1 |
10:00 AM-10:20 AM
CMU 105
Gokce Serdar, Siwei Zhu | Paseka School of Business | The ethical dimension of business has long been acknowledged; however, specific frameworks for implementing ethics in business contexts have arisen and garnered attention. This presentation aims to provide a brief overview of the evolution of business ethics throughout history, beginning with broader normative ethical theories that can be applied to businesses and then moving to business-specific theories. An understanding of the past, including both ethical theories and the history of modern business, can illuminate the current situation and lay out potential future directions for the discipline and practice of business ethics. The presentation takes a literature review approach, conducting several searches with no time restrictions, to summarize and understand critical movements in business ethics that impact the practice of modern business. The contributions of this presentation include a high-level overview of the current status of ethics in business as well as future directions for both the research and practice of business ethics. |
6050 | |
A Horrific Review of Australian Film |
Brandon Rolandson
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:40 PM-2:00 PM
CMU 105
Anthony Adah | School of Media Arts and Design | This review examines the topic of early Australian filmmaking and the rise in popularity of the horror genre with it. Discussed in this review are articles “Australian Cinema's Dark Sun: The Boom in Australian Horror Film Production,” written by Mark David Ryan, “Outward-Looking Australian Cinema” by Ben Goldsmith, and “The ‘Other’ in Film: Exclusions of Aboriginal Identity from Australian Cinema,” written by Suneeti Rekhari. These articles discuss the beginnings of filmmaking in Australia throughout the mid to late 1900’s. The writings have a focus on the emergence of the horror genre within Australian filmmaking as well as the genre’s boom in popularity in more recent decades. Many of these horror films are the first creations by their directors, and many of the films broke new ground regarding the world of Australian filmmaking. Australian horror films focus on a wide variety of subjects and themes, from the ‘ozploitation’ of the continent and its wildlife to the vast plains and the desolate locations between. What this study focuses on is how horror films were structural in the emergence of Aboriginal Australian cinema. |
8225 | |
A Little Bit of Everything: Working at the Planetarium |
Marah West
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:30 PM-2:50 PM
Sara Schultz | Planetarium | Scriptwriting is a big part of what I do at the planetarium, whether that's coming up with new scripts or revising older scripts like for Solar System Explorers, I am retooling many aspects of our current show catalog. I have had to update the language and ques to switch over to a new dome system called open space. Meanwhile, I have also been working on creating a user manual so that it's easy for everyone to use it. I also help run shows and observation sessions in the dome as well and I am a firm believer in finding a good balance between entertainment and information. I really enjoy trying to get as much interaction with the audience as I can. I think if you can make your presentation entertaining, people will want to listen to the information. As I have been working, this has helped me grow more confident with public speaking and creating presentations in other areas such as my school work. Come hear about all the ways I have, and you could work in the planetarium. It might just be the place for you!
8226 | |
A modern Point-Of-Sale Application |
Elkana Munganga
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
1st Floor North Hallway
Easel #: 14
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | The focus of this research is to design a point-of-sale stand-alone application. It is a common computer system in businesses that improves their daily basis operations by helping them to manage sales, track inventory and sometimes boost revenues with the customer gift cards. The features vary on the size of the business and the preference needed. For this research I decided to focus more on the software than the system as a whole. This means that the design and development were strictly the only priorities rather than a complete point-of-sale system which includes the hardware part. The project was successful and included all the features that needed to be implemented because I used the incremental development process. The idea of backtracking algorithm was figuratively very important during the development stages because I would go back to previous steps at any time whenever a problem would rise in future implementations. The programming language I used was C#, and I first designed the user interface. At this stage, there was no need to spend much time because I had already sketched the design by hand and I also used Figma, a designing platform. After, the user interface’s implementation, I decided to use mockaroo to generate mock SQL data for sales and customers. For checking the sales history, I created an analytical sales report form. A login system was created for data security for different types of users. The outcome of this project is crucial to businesses wanting to improve their day-to-day operations |
6204 | |
AAC, Literacy, and Bilingualism |
Maret Otterson
Poster Presentation |
Elaine Pyle | Speech Language Hearing Sciences | Abstract: Individuals who convey language through an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device face several barriers. Some barriers include limited face-to-face communication and fixed vocabulary, the speaking partner dominating the conversation (Harrison-Harris, 2018), being passive communicators, and rarely initiating conversation(Kent-Walsh, 2010). These barriers increase drastically when the individual’s primary language is not English. An estimated 95% of Speech-Language Pathologists interact and provide services to individuals whose primary language is not English (Soto & Yu, 2014). However, there are no foundations or standards when providing therapy to bilingual children who have speech-language disorders (Monceaux-Visser, 2021). Most frequently, the service provided is in the socially dominant language. Limiting intervention and AAC utterances to the socially dominant language diminishes the individual’s connection to their culture, especially if their frequent communicative partners do not speak English (Soto & Yu, 2014). Additionally, there is a gap in literature, exposing the lack of resources and practices regarding this area. This exposed gap aligns with the rapid growth of technology in the last twenty-five years. The purpose of this review was to examine the relationship between language acquisition and AAC use in children who are bilingual.
6188 | ||
AAC, Literacy, and Bilingualism |
Maret Otterson
Poster Presentation |
Elaine Pyle | Speech Language Hearing Sciences | Abstract: Individuals who convey language through an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device face several barriers. Some barriers include limited face-to-face communication and fixed vocabulary, the speaking partner dominating the conversation (Harrison-Harris, 2018), being passive communicators, and rarely initiating conversation(Kent-Walsh, 2010). These barriers increase drastically when the individual’s primary language is not English. An estimated 95% of Speech-Language Pathologists interact and provide services to individuals whose primary language is not English (Soto & Yu, 2014). However, there are no foundations or standards when providing therapy to bilingual children who have speech-language disorders (Monceaux-Visser, 2021). Most frequently, the service provided is in the socially dominant language. Limiting intervention and AAC utterances to the socially dominant language diminishes the individual’s connection to their culture, especially if their frequent communicative partners do not speak English (Soto & Yu, 2014). Additionally, there is a gap in literature, exposing the lack of resources and practices regarding this area. This exposed gap aligns with the rapid growth of technology in the last twenty-five years. The purpose of this review was to examine the relationship between language acquisition and AAC use in children who are bilingual. |
6189 | ||
AAC, Literacy, and Bilingualism |
Maret Otterson
Poster Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-3:30 PM
1st Floor Central Hallway
Easel #: 9
Elaine Pyle | Speech Language Hearing Sciences | Individuals who convey language through an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device face several barriers. Some barriers include limited face-to-face communication and fixed vocabulary, the speaking partner dominating the conversation (Harrison-Harris, 2018), being passive communicators, and rarely initiating conversation (Kent-Walsh, 2010). These barriers increase drastically when the individual’s primary language is not English. An estimated 95% of Speech-Language Pathologists interact and provide services to individuals whose primary language is not English4. However, there are no foundations or standards when providing therapy to bilingual children who have speech-language disorders (Monceaux-Visser, 2021). Most frequently, the service provided is in the socially dominant language. Limiting intervention and AAC utterances to the socially dominant language diminishes the individual’s connection to their culture, especially if their frequent communicative partners do not speak English (Soto & Yu, 2014). Additionally, there is a gap in literature, exposing the lack of resources and practices regarding this area. This exposed gap aligns with the rapid growth of technology in the last twenty-five years. The purpose of this review was to examine the relationship between language acquisition and AAC use in children who are bilingual. |
6191 | |
Aboriginal Identity in the Films of Rachel Perkins |
Elizabeth Hennen
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:00 PM-1:20 PM
CMU 105
Anthony Adah | School of Media Arts and Design | Aboriginal Identity in the Films of Rachel Perkins |
8235 | |
Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing |
Mahmod Ahmad
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
1st Floor Central Hallway
Easel #: 8
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | Artificial Intelligence has caused digital marketing to rise to the top, leaving behind traditional word-of-mouth marketing. Everyday billions of pieces of data are generated from the internet and processed using AI data analytics. Businesses use Machine Learning models to increase their sales, predict new trends, and develop insights for marketing decisions. I will be discussing the history and the evolution of Artificial Intelligence as well as the importance of data collection in digital marketing. I will discuss the development of a chatbot that can communicate with users just like a human. |
6140 | |
Agnes Martin: Forever in the Mind |
Tobias Zikmund
Oral Presentation | 1 |
10:00 AM-10:20 AM
CMU 214
Anna Arnar | School of Arts | Spare, limited elements constitute the work of Agnes Martin (1912-2004). Active in New York and later New Mexico, her extensive oeuvre of square paintings exemplifies her long-held commitment to the grid and to the stripe. Martin is often referred to as a Minimalist, while she herself viewed her work as Abstract-Expressionist, a movement known for its effusive mark-making. This paper analyzes the mature work of Martin’s New Mexico years, considering it within her larger oeuvre and broader artistic movements of the time. It contextualizes her use of the grid and the stripe as quintessentially 20th-century devices in dialogue with other leading artists and movements. Considered within this framework is the tension between her work’s designation as Minimalist with her own view of it as Abstract-Expressionist. Martin’s enduring cultural legacies – her desert association, her status as a female icon – will be further considered in placing Martin within the larger canon of American art. |
6145 | |
AI Surveillance System: An Online Multi-Object Characteristics Tracker |
Andrew Schonnesen
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:40 PM-2:00 PM
CMU 105
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | With the rise of deep learning, computer vision applications have significantly increased operation efficiency and increased application efficiency. Testing the capabilities of such applications creates better understanding of tools that might be feared by some. To illustrate this, I have created a surveillance system that tracks multiple objects in real-time. Displaying a bounding box around each object along with characteristics of each object (person). To make this happen an algorithm must be able to track and detect objects, perform accurately, and be viable for security cameras FPS (Frames Per Second). In all my research, I found that deepSORT (Simple Online Real-time Tracking) was found to have a higher FPS (frames per second), prediction rate, and easier to understand compared to its other competitors including Tracktor++, FDE, and TrackR-CNN. Using this algorithm, I plan to create a surveillance system that contains all the capabilities list above, while also maintaining an FPS that is sufficient for real-time applications. |
6131 | |
Alternative Media in Wakaliwood |
Tyler Haehn
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:50 PM-3:10 PM
CMU 105
Anthony Adah | School of Media Arts and Design | This project is an exploration of African cinema through a case study of Wakaliwood. It is a closer look at contemporary Ugandan filmmaking. The project is motivated by an interest in how Wakaliwood filmmakers are able to make extremely low-budget actions movies. For primary sources, the project analyzes Who Killed Captain Alex (2010), Bad Black (2016), and Crazy World(2019). These films have been some of the most popular, putting Wakaliwood within the context of global image flow over the last 9 years. For theoretical and historical contexts, the study relies on concepts of national cinema, African cinema, Nollywood, and digital as the new popular in African Cinema. Wakaliwood has received little critical scholarship and this project delves into its common themes and, more specifically, how it integrates alternative media into the narratives. |
6207 | |
American Animation and Immigration |
Sydney Jenkins
Oral Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-1:00 PM
CMU 205
Sean Taylor | History, Languages, Critical Race and Women's Studies, Department of | Animation has been a fascinating concept for humans throughout our history, having its earliest origins on the walls of Paleolithic caves. This desire to tell stories through moving images has been an ongoing project for humans and despite the earliest forms and technologies of animation being developed outside of America, it was in America where animation boomed into what we recognize today. The evolution of animation has been heavily influenced and aided by immigration to the United States and despite animation having it roots reaching all over the world, American animation has too often been used to ostracize and attack immigrants and those labeled as “the other.” Because the history of animation is such a broad and ancient topic, the project focuses strictly on the history of American animation starting in the late 1800s and work our way towards the modern era, examining how immigrants have furthered animation and how animation has in turn been used to portray immigrants.
6217 | |
An Economic Analysis of the Impact of Loans Originating from China on Economic Growth and Debt Sustainability in Developing Nations |
Sukula Tomochika
Oral Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-10:00 AM
CMU 216
Tonya Hansen | Economics, Law and Politics, Department of | Abstract As one of the largest creditors in the world, the People’s Republic of China and its subsidiaries extend over $1.5 trillion dollars in credit to other nations (Horn, Reinhard, and Trebesch, 2020). China’s position as a lender to emerging economies aligns with the country’s ambition to revive the ancient Silk Route as the Belt and Route Initiative (BRI). Loans originating from China to developing nations have notably surpassed that of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This research investigates the efficacy of Chinese loans by examining recipient countries' key economic indicators as well as the debt sustainability of these indebted nations. |
8243 | |
An Examination of Ethical Hacking |
Conor Speer
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
1st Floor West Hallway
Easel #: 20
Andrew Chen | Computer Science and Information Systems Department | One of the largest concerns with continued technological advancement is digital security. This is a trend that can only continue as new technology will present new ways and methods of breaching security. For this reason, methods to protect digital security are vital to our society. A key aspect of any arms race such as this is to understand the perspective, goals, and abilities of the opposing side, and the same is true in the digital sector. In the technology industry, this understanding comes from what is known as ethical or white hat hacking. To highlight the importance of this process, we will undergo a thorough examination of the history, motivation, and methods of ethical hacking. In doing so, we will hopefully achieve a better understanding and appreciation of this process. Additionally, bringing awareness of this topic to a wider audience is of utmost import as security is not a concern for innovators alone. In order to ensure that society continues to protect itself at the same time it creates new threats for itself, we must all be aware of how security comes about. |
6187 | |
An exploratory study of student beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions toward learning and online delivery methods |
Ashley Jung
Oral Presentation | 1 |
10:00 AM-10:20 AM
CMU 205
Jason Anderson | School of Communication and Journalism | The purpose of this exploratory study is to examine students' cognitive, normative, and behavioral beliefs or perceived preferences regarding online learning versus face-to-face. The researchers hope to gain insight into the numerous factors that play into students' decision-making. This information will be worthwhile in helping instructors create formats to meet students' preferred learning modalities. This project aims to supply feedback to understand the educational landscape, current environment, and how instructional delivery affects student beliefs and perceptions. This exploratory study aims to identify the forces that drive students' enrollment in distinct delivery methods of courses in an ever-evolving educational experience. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed many students and instructors into the world of online learning, mostly without preparation. Once identified, these driving forces may help us better understand what leads a student to take a course in one form versus another. What, if any, are the differences between students who prefer online versus face-to-face learning. The research plan is to conduct an electronic survey tool created using Qualtrics. The survey will be distributed via email within the small to moderate-sized midwestern university and potentially shared through the snowball method to increase the participant pool. |
6060 | |
An Organizational Analysis: Understanding the Cultural Values of a Nonprofit Organization |
Amanda Lamp
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:10 PM-2:30 PM
CMU 214
Anthony Ocana | Marketing & Communications | According to the United States Census Bureau, childhood disability rates sat at 4.3% in 2019, up 0.4% from 2008, with the most common type of disability being cognitive. In order to assist these children and their families, clinics have been opened to provide individualized care for children with disabilities. One such clinic known as Pope’s Place is located in Centralia, Washington. For this paper, written for my Organizational Communications course, I interviewed a former Pope’s Place volunteer who worked with the children at the clinic and discussed his experiences there. Using what I gather from him and Pope’s Place’s website, I will analyze and explore their organizational values with focus on cultural value. |
8220 | |
An Overview of the Evolution of Women's Rights from the 20th Century to the Present |
Rachel Hagen
Oral Presentation | 3 |
2:30 PM-2:50 PM
CMU 214
Sean Taylor | History, Languages, Critical Race and Women's Studies, Department of | The rights of women have always lagged behind the rights of men in American History. Although the women’s suffrage movement was taking off, only six states had passed suffrage amendments at the beginning of the 20th century. Societal roles for women have undergone changes throughout history. This presentation will examine how female roles in society went from stay at home housewives to working women due to the impact of various laws. Key figures in women’s suffrage history will also be illuminated since they are often left out of the historical narrative. |
6068 | |
Analysis of Metals in Soil and Water Samples using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy |
Abigail Bormann
Poster Presentation |
Jeffrey Bodwin, Richard Lahti | Chemistry Department | The purpose of this study was to optimize a technique using a flame atomic absorption spectrometer for determining the concentration of various metals in 55 soil and 6 water samples. It is important to identify and quantify the amount of metal in soil and water samples because some metals are toxic. This study obtained baseline data for 10 different metals in soil and water samples at the MSUM Regional Science Center and found all metals in the samples to be either within or below normal ranges for the area. These results will be reported and compared to United States Geological Survey data from the region. Method optimization will be discussed as well as suggestions for improvement of the method. |
6054 | ||
Analysis of Metals in Soil and Water Samples using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy |
Abigail Bormann
Poster Presentation | 2 |
12:40 PM-2:00 PM
1st Floor North Hallway
Easel #: 11
Jeffrey Bodwin, Richard Lahti | Chemistry Department | The purpose of this study was to optimize a technique using a flame atomic absorption spectrometer for determining the concentration of various metals in 55 soil and 6 water samples. It is important to identify and quantify the amount of metal in soil and water samples because some metals are toxic. This study obtained baseline data for 10 different metals in soil and water samples at the MSUM Regional Science Center and found all metals in the samples to be either within or below normal ranges for the area. These results will be reported and compared to United States Geological Survey data from the region. Method optimization will be discussed as well as suggestions for improvement of the method. |
6055 | |
Analytics in the early stage of app development |
Benjamin Reynolds
Oral Presentation | 2 |
1:20 PM-1:40 PM
CMU 208
Vinod Lall, Atif Osmani | Paseka School of Business | Ben Reynolds is a Business Analtics major at the Paseka School of Business. As part of his capstone project he put together a presentation for this event. The presentation is about analytics in the early stage of app development. Through defining problems Ben was faced with at the fargo startup Lykkly, Ben provided analytics based solutions. The presentation focuses on the 3 areas of analytics: predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive. The presentation is aimed for people that have little understanding of analytics and by the end of the presentation the auidence will be able to better undstand analytics at a startup. |
6045 | |
Application of telemedicine services to combat workforce shortages |
April Albertson
Oral Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-10:00 AM
CMU 203
Brandi Sillerud, Jitendra Singh | School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership | Telemedicine’s underutilization ended when the COVID-19 pandemic caused people to isolate and kept them from seeking healthcare services at their local hospitals and clinics. With the aid of the CARES Act of March 2020, healthcare providers quickly implemented telemedicine services to meet the various needs of their patients. During the pandemic, healthcare systems saw a significant increase in telemedicine visits. Essential industries turned to healthcare providers for assistance in keeping their workers healthy and to maintain production in the country’s critical infrastructure. Telemedicine services could quickly address health concerns and help address these industry needs and combat workforce shortages. As quickly as telemedicine services grew, and people have started to move closer to a pre-pandemic lifestyle, telemedicine service utilization waned. An in-depth literature review followed by a fishbone diagram and SWOT analysis occurred to examine the potential factors related to telemedicine utilization. To promote telemedicine utilization, application of Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation theory supports recommendations for the benefits of telemedicine and building on opportunities brought out by the COVID-19 pandemic. Implication for practice could include establishing virtual clinics for industries plagued with workforce shortages. |
8257 | |
Auditory Discrimination in Associative Learning in Zebrafish |
Molly Johnson
Jaclyn Simon
Katie Hanson
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
1st Floor West Hallway
Easel #: 24
Brian Wisenden | Biosciences Department | Many fishes learn to recognize correlates of predation risk by pairing novel stimuli with injury-released chemical cues released from damaged epidermal tissues. Recently, our lab showed that zebrafish can associate an auditory stimulus, i.e., a tone, with risk, but that they do not generalize risk with all tones but respond only to the frequency of the tone to which they were trained. In this study, zebrafish (Danio rerio) were conditioned to associate predation risk with a mixture of auditory stimuli then tested with either all or components of the mixture. To simulate predation risk, chemical alarm cues were used from skin extract and water was used as the control treatment. Musical chords were played with the injection of chemical alarm cues to condition the zebrafish, and then observe the change in behavior in terms of activity, vertical distribution, and shelter use. Multiple musical chords (full chord, medium overlap, and no overlap) were played to the fish and their reactions observed. Preliminary results may indicate a variation of recognition with the multiple musical chords of varying overlap with the conditioning tone with predation risk. This research improved the understanding of auditory sensitivity in fish and behavioral capabilities for behavioral learning. The ability in fish to differentiate sound frequencies associated with auditory responses from predators was also observed. |
6141 | |
Autism and Dating |
Annika Stotts
Poster Presentation | 1 |
9:40 AM-11:00 AM
1st Floor Central Hallway
Easel #: 10
Kris Vossler | Speech Language Hearing Sciences | Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was described by Lai et al. (2014, p. 1) as a “set of heterogeneous neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by early-onset difficulties in social communication and unusually restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests.” Autism is a life-long diagnosis that is often common within families. While there is no definite cause, possible causes may include genetic differences, differences in brain development, or exposure to harmful chemicals within the environment (ASHA, nd.). Research has found that teenagers who are diagnosed with ASD are interested in having close, intimate relationships with others, including friendships, sexual relationships, and marriage (Mogavero et al., 2020). The diagnosis of ASD creates unique challenges for individuals who are pursuing these types of relationships, specifically in the areas of unwritten social norms, boundaries, consent, and online dating. |
6103 |