Advising & Registration
Academic advising is at the center of MSUM’s caring community and is one vehicle used to help us “Fulfill our Promise” to our students. Advising at MSUM creates an educational environment that facilitates a teaching and learning relationship between advisor and advisee. Our proactive advising approach guides students as they discover their passions, develop intellectually and determine their contribution to our ever changing world.
MSUM Student Advising Experiences
The Academic Advising Committee is pleased to release the results of the Spring 2024 MSUM Advising Experiences Survey. Key findings regarding availability, knowledge, and expertise of advisors; relational aspects of advising; frequency of advising topics; students’ advising behaviors and knowledge; experiences navigating multiple majors; and overall satisfaction with advising are detailed in the reports. Based on findings, the Academic Advising Committee has put forth a set of recommendations (see undergraduate report p. 9-10 and graduate report p. 5-6) that include, but are not limited to:
- Systematically integrate long-term academic planning early in students’ academic careers in support of timely progress toward graduation and predictable course availability
- Enhance focus on career and/or graduate program goals and opportunities and experiential learning opportunities in advising and curriculum
- Recognize advising as a priority retention and equity activity through inclusion of advising or adjacent activities in departmental workplans and advisor professional development plans
- All advisors are strongly encouraged to complete the Advisor Certification training program prior to receiving advisee assignments
- Assign multiple advisors for students with multiple majors, minors, or certificates outside of their primary major area
- Provide intentional onboarding and ongoing support specific to transfer student advising and registration needs
The Academic Advising Committee will use the survey results to guide ongoing work with advising resources, training, and support structures at MSUM. If you have questions about the survey results or committee recommendations, please contact Academic Advising Committee Chair, Erika Beseler Thompson, at