The purpose of this initiative is to help faculty create excellent, fully online courses that are appropriate for large enrollment and in high-demand areas for MSUM students. Audiences beyond current MSUM students may also be considered. Participants will receive customized training and consultation while developing their course content to ensure high quality standards, accessibility to students, and consideration of instructor workload in the course. The project is complete upon teaching the course and presenting to an MSUM audience. Upon completion of the course design, participants will receive 3 EDDs. Following completion of the first course delivery and presentation to an MSUM audience, participants will receive an additional 3 EDDs. Funding is contingent on available resources and applications are competitive.
Participant Expectations
- Identify an online course that is a good candidate for large enrollment. It may have course competencies that use verbs lower level of Bloom’s taxonomy, such as “comprehension” and “application”, for example. Other examples include courses that have high enrollment, ongoing demand, and content and assessments that may be automated while maintaining integrity of learning.
- Consult with an instructional designer to examine large online course strategies, develop a course design plan, and complete a technology & training needs assessment.
- Advance skills in content delivery, learning activities, assessments, and instructor presence for large, online courses.
- Develop and teach the large (80+ students) online course.
- Present learnings to an identified MSUM audience. The audience and method of presentation will be identified by the participant(s) in collaboration with the Director of the Faculty Development Center and the Director of Online Learning.
To Apply
Please consult with your college’s dean and copy them on a proposal email sent to with the following headings:
- Course name and number
- Term the course will be developed
- Term the course will be offered as a LOC
- Course cap size as a LOC
NOTE: Preference will be given to high demand areas for online courses, LASC courses, and to either 1) faculty/instructor co-developer teams or 2) single developers willing to share intellectual property with qualified faculty colleagues.