Minnesota State University Moorhead has achieved its educational excellence through the efforts of many passionate, loyal and hard-working faculty and staff. Emeritus status is awarded to recognize and honor the meritorious service of retiring MSUM employees.
Emeritus & Emerita Recommendation Form
To be eligible for Emeriti Status, the employee must meet the following criteria:
- Permanent retirement from full-time employment in higher education.
- Complete employment in the position of good standing.
- Established a record of distinguished and exemplary service while employed at the University.
- Employment in at Minnesota State University Moorhead for at least 15 years.
Nomination Process
- Upon retirement, the department supervisor/Director/Dean will nominate eligible staff, faculty members, and administrators by forwarding a recommendation to the appropriate Vice President for review and recommendation to the President.
- The President, in consultation with the Office of Human Resources, will determine whether the retiring employee has met the qualifications to be awarded Emeritus/Emerita status.
Distinguished retiring employees who are determined to have met these criteria are informed in writing by the Office of the President and are granted the following benefits:
- Important University communications, including invitations to special University events and to the fall opening dinner, will be mailed to the individual. This does not include the Advocate which is available online.
- The individual’s faculty ID card may continue to be used at Livingston Lord Library to borrow books and materials.
- The individual’s faculty ID card can also be used in purchasing tickets for plays, concerts, and athletic events at faculty rates.
- The individual may continue to use the MSUM email account.
- The individual will also receive a complimentary Special Parking Permit for designated lots. To receive the permit, the individual will need to register for it with the Key/Card Access Office located in the Public Safety building.
- The individual may use self-purchased University letterhead stationery imprinted with the individual’s name and Emeritus/Emerita status.
Emeriti Suspension or Termination
The University reserves the right to suspend or terminate some or all benefits when warranted, whether from individuals or from all emeriti. In this case, emeriti will be notified of the action and the reason for the action and may appeal to the President or designee. The decision of the President is final.