The University reserves the right to cite, immobilize, or tow vehicles parked on campus in violation of any rule established in the current Traffic and Parking Regulations pursuant to Minnesota Statute 169.041. The person who registers the vehicle and obtains the permit is responsible for the vehicle's operation on campus, and for all charges against the vehicle including ticketing, immobilization, and/or towing of the vehicle. The registered vehicle owner is ultimately responsible for all charges.
- Failure to pay any citation within 10 calendar days will result in a $10 penalty. In addition, a hold may be placed on the responsible party’s student records until all outstanding amounts are paid.
- The University may tow a vehicle due to snow removal, repair work, violation of regulation or abandonment. Any vehicle that has not been moved in 30 days will be considered abandoned.
- Vehicles with three or more outstanding parking citations that are 10 days late or a balance due of $75 or more, with at least one citation 10 days outstanding will be immobilized and assessed a $50 fee. There is an additional storage charge of $10 a day for vehicle autoboot. This charge will be invoked after 24 hours.
Immobilized vehicles will remain autobooted until the outstanding fine is paid. Responsible parties/owners of immobilized vehicles should contact Public Safety, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Individuals may be penalized by citation, immobilization, or towing at the owner’s expense for any violation. Permit holders are responsible for any citation issued to vehicles in which their permit appears. It is unlawful for any person, as the permit holder of a vehicle or as the registered owner of a vehicle to park, stop or leave unattended, or to cause, allow, or permit to be parked, stopped, or left standing whether knowingly or unknowingly, any such vehicle in any place not designated for parking.
The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, policy, or regulation and does not receive a citation, does not mean that the law, policy, or regulation is no longer in effect.
Immobilization Fee
- Immobilization fee of a vehicle is $50, in addition to applicable fines.
- If the autoboot is damaged or missing after being placed on a vehicle, the vehicle owner will be responsible for the replacement cost at $500 and may result in criminal charges.
- Towing fee for a vehicle is at the discretion of the local towing company hired to provide this service to the University, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 169.041. All towing fees are the responsibility of the vehicle owner. Contact Public Safety to obtain the telephone number of the towing company.
Parking Citation Explanations & Amounts
- No Permit Visible $25
Citation is issued when the vehicle is parked without displaying a permit and does not have one issued by the parking office.
- Expired Meter $25
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a metered spot without paying or over-staying their bought time.
- Reserved Parking $35
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a parking space in a reserved lot without displaying the lot specific permit and does not have one.
- Wrong Lot $25
Citation is issued when a reserved parking permit holder parks in a lot different than the one allotted to vehicle/individual.
- No Parking Zone $40
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a marked no parking zone. No parking zones are designated with signs or yellow diagonal striped lines.
- Parked in a Fire Lane/ Driving Lane $40
Citation is issued when a vehicle is not parked in a legal parking spot (between two yellow lines) but is parked elsewhere in the lot.
- Handicapped Violation $200
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a Handicapped parking space without displaying a valid handicapped permit.
- Stolen or Fraud Permit $200
Citation (Stolen) is issued when a vehicle is displaying a permit that has been marked/reported stolen in our system. Citation (Fraud) can be issued if a vehicle has been cited for an expired permit and is caught repeating the violation. Also, amending a day pass that has already been written for another date or making your own parking pass is considered fraud.
- Fraud Use of Ticket $200
Citation is issued when a vehicle is displaying a citation that was issued in another lot and is being displayed on the windshield to avoid further citations.
- Fraud Use of a Handicapped Permit $500
Citation is issued when a vehicle is displaying a counterfeit or stolen permit.
- Improperly Displayed Permit $10
Citation is issued when the permit is not displayed on the rear view mirror and is either displayed where it is not supposed to be or not displayed at all.
- Parked on a Sidewalk $50
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked on a side walk and not in a legal parking space (between two yellow lines).
- Parked in a Loading Zone $40
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a designated loading zone for more than 15 minutes. If unloading is taking longer, Public Safety needs to be informed.
- Overtime Parking $20
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a designated 15 minute parking space for longer than allowed time.
- Parked Outside of Space $25
Citation is issued when a vehicle is not parked between two yellow lines and is taking up an additional parking space.
- Parked in Service Vehicle Only Space $20
Citation is issued when a non-service vehicle is parked in a service vehicle only space.
- Displaying an Expired Permit $25
Citation is issued when a vehicle is displaying a permit from an older school year that has been expired (see back of the permit for expiry date).
- Motorcycle Parking $10
Citation is issued when a motorcycle is parked in a passenger car spot. Motorcycles can park in the designated areas only. There is no permit required for a motorcycle.
- Parked Blocking Snow Removal $35
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked in a parking space that blocks snow removal from being done.
- Vehicle not registered to permit $10
Citation is issued when a vehicle is displaying a permit that is not registered with the permit.
- Abandoned Vehicle $10
Citation is issued when a vehicle is not moved for 30 days or more and is still parked in the same space.
- Unauthorized Boot Removal $200
Citation is issued when a boot is removed from the vehicle without the authorization of Public Safety.
- Auto Boot $50
Citation is issued when a clamp is placed on the wheel and the vehicle is immobilized.
- Parked on the Lawn $50
Citation is issued when a vehicle is parked on the lawn instead of a parking spot.
- Parked Overnight in F1 $25
Citation is issued when a vehicle is left in the F-1 lot overnight. There is no parking in F-1 lot between 3 AM and 5 AM.