Parking & Traffic Rules & Regulations

Anyone operating or parking a vehicle on campus is responsible for being familiar with and complying with all traffic and parking regulations.

  1. Introduction and General Information
  2. Registration and Fees
    1. Registration
    2. Types of Permits/Fees/Privileges
  3. Policies and Regulations
    1. Space Definition
    2. Permit Space Coverage
    3. Permit Placement
    4. Substitute Vehicles
    5. Permit Resale/Transferring Prohibited
    6. Parking for the Disabled
    7. Reserved Space Parking
    8. Permit Application and Selection
    9. Lost or Stolen Permits
    10. Fraud
    11. Government Vehicle Parking
    12. Refund Policy
    13. Map Adjustments
    14. Metered Parking
    15. Battery Jump Start/Vehicle Unlocks
    16. Snow Removal
    17. Permit Upgrades
  4. Short Term Parking
    1. Short Term Parking Permits
    2. Guest/Visitor's Parking
    3. Pay Lot Rates
    4. Vendors & Contractors
    5. Loading Zones
  5. Enforcement and Penalties
    1. Ticketing, Immobilization, Towing
    2. Persistent Violators May Have Their Parking Privileges Revoked
    3. Emergency Flashers
    4. Enforcement Coverage
    5. Emergency Parking Situations
    6. Violations
    7. Fine Payment
    8. Late Payment Penalty
    9. Motorcycles
    10. Bicycles and Motorized Scooters/Mopeds
    11. Utilities and Vehicles
  6. Appeals
  7. MState, Concordia & NDSU Students/Faculty
  8. Parking Permit Thefts and Vandalism
  9. Parking Violation Closure Procedure