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Showing 111 - 120 of 3737 results
MSUM's BS in Nursing program coordinator Alicia Swanson connects with students in MSUM nursing programs.
Zachary Davis's (‘23) education as a nontraditional student helps him as the business owner of Z3D Solutions. 
Student leaders of Student Council for Exceptional Children experience diversity outside of the classroom during volunteer opportunities and events.
Nine students from nursing and health administration programs embarked on an enrichment experience to the Dominican Republic over spring break.
MSUM stories of Organizations and Activites students, alumni, employees and community partners.
MSUM stories of Operations Management students, alumni, employees and community partners.
MSUM stories of Nursing students, alumni, employees and community partners.
Diane Erickson has been in the nursing field for 37 years. She began her journey at MSUM in 1980 and has returned several times to continue her education.
One thing Evelyn Quigley, a 1982 graduate of MSUM, has loved about nursing is the opportunities the profession opens.
Nursing practice is most often associated with hospital caregiving. Nursing alumna Jamie Anderson used to think that, too, until she learned just how many different paths her nursing career could take her.