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This fall, MSUM communication students have the distinct opportunity to work with Forum Communications through an apprenticeship program, offering the chance to collaborate with Forum staff and their peers.
Bismarck High School graduate Chase Scherr was interested in pursuing a journalism career and knew Minnesota State University Moorhead had a solid journalism program.
Students in the COMM 440 class produced and directed the documentary, "MSUM: Under the Mask," which follows students, faculty and staff at MSUM during the pandemic.
They may not be seated directly at your bedside holding your hand or administering an IV, but health advocates are found every step of the way, assisting in the background work in various capacities, spreading awareness, and fighting for funding.
Joseph Lewis’s journey from Liberia, West Africa, to the Minnesota State University Moorhead campus to the corridors of Yale University demonstrates his academic prowess and achievement.
Two MSU Moorhead professors and a Moorhead middle-school student work together to expedite the AI adoption process in healthcare to improve outcomes for patients.
It started when Katherine Young ’09 (BFA graphic design) saw a Facebook post comparing the covers of the September 2016 Girls’ Life and Boys’ Life magazines, demonstrating the differences of what is communicated to young tween boys and girls via the media.
Students of the College of Science, Health and Environment had the chance to expand their knowledge in a study abroad trip to Ireland.
Minnesota State University Moorhead students Kseniia Gaidamukha and Brenda Correa-Mendez broke tradition by being the only student presenters at the prestigious 2023 ACUI/NIRSA Collegiate Marketing Institute, a professional conference for the advancement of recreation, sport, and wellness.
Abdou Manjang graduated with a Master of Healthcare Administration in December. He secured his dream job before receiving his diploma.