Dragon Stories

Matching Stories results

English student shares the power of storytelling

Savannah Dibben’s published story for her media writing class showcases how important storytelling is to her. 

Alumni-owned bakery leads to sweet success

MSUM alumni Morgan Laite (’17) and Maggie Thoemke (’16, ’19) met when they found themselves working at a job neither of them enjoyed. Bonding over their shared experience at MSUM, similar personalities, and the fact that they were born nine days apart, they quickly became close friends.

Foss relies on motto to build success

David Foss' unusual combination of computer science, English, and business administration at MSUM allowed him to enjoy a wide variety of roles in computer systems and banking.

Fast Friends, Great Beer and Wide Smiles

English and film graduates Sean Syverson and John Kapla own one of downtown Moorhead's newest taverns, Swing Barrel Brewing.

MSUM Planetarium sparked big dreams for creative astronomer, filmmaker

Mary Dodge came to MSUM expecting to study English, then took an astronomy class that led to a lifelong career in planetariums and film-making.

Toy photography is creative outlet for English & Mass Communications major

English and Mass Communications student Jonathan Ness's toy photography hobby provides a creative outlet and captures the attention of local news, professors and fellow students alike.

Foundation Board Member Feature: Dayna Del Val

Meet Dayna Del Val, a proud Dragon with strong ties to MSUM and a passion for the arts in our community. The 1995 theatre graduate is the President & CEO of The Arts Partnership and has served on the MSUM Foundation board of directors since June 2020.


Alumna on Pulitzer Prize-winning team for George Floyd and related story coverage

Visual Journalist Shari Gross is on staff at the Star Tribune, which won a Pulitzer Prize this year. Their coverage of the George Floyd murder and the reverberations that followed will make a difference in that community and beyond.

Weld Hall Renovation is Top Priority

Last week, MSUM hosted Minnesota’s Senate Capital Investment Committee, whose members were on campus to learn more about our planned renovation of Weld Hall.

The NCCWSL Conference: Empowering Student Leaders

Thanks to a collaboration between the Women’s Center and the College of Business, Analytics and Communication, five MSUM students had the opportunity to attend their National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) virtually earlier this spring.

Teaching Leads to Achieving Dreams

Since he was five years old, William Lewandowski dreamed of being a teacher. He decided to go back to school to make that dream come true.

Finding Refuge

A project between MSUM’s Center for Geospatial Studies and Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge encourages visitors to document their experiences and upload them to a master map online.