Honoring Excellence: Michelle Olson Joins PRSA College of Fellows

Michelle Olson, who graduated from MSUM with a B.S. in mass communications, never imagined working in aerospace and defense. But her more than 35 years of corporate communications, strategic planning, crisis management and brand journalism is now being used to revolutionize air travel. Because of her distinguished, unique career and contributions to the public relations industry, Michelle has been inducted into the College of Fellows of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

BS in Mass Communication

Michelle initially wanted to be a journalist. In high school, she was the editor for the school's newspaper and yearbook. Despite her love for writing, she was not sure about doing it every day. Her counselor advised her to go into public relations, since it's a broader field. "I hadn't even heard of PR at the time, but the idea intrigued me, and I decided to go for it," Michelle says.

During her time at MSUM, Michelle immersed herself in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), participating in discussions, research projects and campaigns that set the foundation for her future.

"The hands-on experiences were invaluable."

Aside from campus life and being involved in intramurals, one of her favorite memories as student is her team's third place award in the national Bateman Case Study competition with PRSSA. "The hands-on experiences were invaluable," Michelle says.

After graduation, she started working in the advertising department at Target. That is when she realized that her passion was public relations. After working for more than 6 years in PR in Minneapolis, Michelle moved to Arizona, where she applied public relations skills in different industries, from real estate to healthcare. With her experience, Michelle founded her own public relations company which ranked as the third largest firm in Arizona when it was sold 13 years later to a New York advertising agency.

"I wanted to be part of something bigger," Michelle says. That desire to contribute to bigger projects led her to join Fingerpaint, and then Lambert by LLC.

Her most memorable campaigns include addressing the opioid crisis, where her efforts brought attention to the need for both regulatory changes and compassionate care for chronic pain patients. That project guided her to an opportunity with Bell (Helicopter), sparking her entry into the world of aviation.

"Stay curious, always. This curiosity will take you far, no matter the industry."

Now, Michelle plays a crucial role at Lambert in leading the aerospace & defense and advanced air mobility practice areas of the firm. "I never imagined working in aerospace, but I've found that the skills I developed in PR-storytelling, media relations, strategic communication-are universal," Michelle says.

She is focused on being part of a team that puts an air taxi in the sky, revolutionizing travel and reducing city congestion with electric vertical takeoff and landing. "Instead of an hour-long drive, you could make the same trip in 10 minutes. It's going to change how we move people and goods in the future," Michelle says.

Reflecting on her induction into the PRSA College of Fellows, she humbly acknowledged the honor, saying, "The application process was eye-opening. I realized just how much my work has influenced the industry through the years. To see my name along with other amazing professionals, was-WOW," Michelle says.

Michelle remains committed to fostering the next generation of public relations professionals, stressing the importance of internships and real-world experience. "It's important to experience different tasks in our profession and see what 'lights you up.'" Michelle says, "Stay curious, always. This curiosity will take you far, no matter the industry."

Michelle's induction into the PRSA College of Fellows is a testament to her lasting impact on the field of public relations. With decades of leadership and innovative work behind her, she continues to inspire and shape the future of the profession.


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