Welcome to the #DragonCommunity: Bradley Moore

Bradley Moore is MSUM's newest overnight general maintenance worker.

Q: How do you prefer to start your work day?
A: I slow down and do one thing at a time to ease into the day, and then start with the most difficult tasks to get them out of the way.

Q: If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?
A: The clock app so I can use my alarms, some simple game to help me turn my brain off for a little bit (I cycle through quite a few), and Facebook.

Q: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
A: I’m a musician; I play the flute, drums, and piano, and also sing.

Q: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
A: Definitely gaming on Call of Duty or League of Legends.

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