Welcome to the #DragonCommunity: Carol Jergenson

Meet Carol Jergenson, the new associate director of Housing and Residential Life. She is here to help students reach their full potential while living away from home.

Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: The opportunity. I also love the size of the school and wanted to help give back to the students.

Q: What does your typical day-to-day look like?
A: I love how different my days are. I always get to meet and chat with people, but the circumstances for meetings are always different.

Q: What do you like about working for residential life?
A: Being able to help to impact people in a positive way.

Q: Are you a dog person or a cat person (or neither)?
A: I’m a dog person. I have two dogs, River and Raven.

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
A: I have been to Ireland and would love to go back soon. I also want to go to Scotland and Germany.

Welcome to the #DragonCommunity, Carol!

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