Welcome to the #DragonCommunity: Tamarak Schoon
Meet Tamarak Schoon, a new General Maintenance Worker in Housing & Residential Life. Tamarak helps ensure student health and well-being through custodial work in the dorms.
Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: I graduated from here. My parents also live in the area, and I wanted to work here while I spent more time with them.
Q: What other work have you done?
A: I’ve worked as a park ranger, a TSA agent, a horse wrangler, a security officer, a dock hand, a housekeeper, and more. I've probably done every hands-on guest service job.
Q: What work was your favorite?
A: Being a park ranger. I worked for six national parks and led tours.
Q: What are some hobbies outside of work that you have?
A: Anything outdoors. Backpacking, hiking, biking, etc.
Q: if you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
A: Be able to speak to animals.
Welcome to the #DragonCommunity, Tamarak!
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