Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Georges Tippens

As MSUM's Vice President of Finance & Administration, Georges provides strategic and operational leadership for the financial and administrative areas, including Business Services, Information Technology, Public Safety, and Facilities Management.

What drew you to MSUM?
For the last eight years, I've been in South Carolina and, for the last six, I've been working in the system office there. I collaborated very closely with all the Vice Presidents of Finance and Administration at the South Carolina institutions, so I got to know them and their work. I was looking for a change and wanted to go to a university setting. My wife and I have a cabin in Minnesota, and we met in the Midwest. We just missed the Midwest, the outdoor activities, and the winters. I also felt that MSUM would be a great fit for me. After interviewing with cabinet and meeting with President Downs, I was sold on their vision of moving the university forward.

What's one thing that has surprised you about MSUM?
The culture. Everyone's very helpful and willing to lend a hand, not only within the institution but the system as a whole. I've been meeting with my counterparts from the other six universities and we're just willing to help each other, share ideas, and look out for one another. I really like the collective viewpoint where everyone knows we're all in it together and willing to solve problems even if it's outside of their comfort zone.

How do you prefer to start your workday?
I try to do a little jog, make a filling breakfast, prep and have my coffee every day before I head out. Every morning with my team we huddle together to talk about what our day is, which helps me figure out what I need to do. I listen to my direct reports, understand what they're doing as well, and think of ideas of where we can collaborate and help each other out.

What energizes you at work?
I'm an odd person in that I prefer working in the office. Knowing there are other people around too allows me to quickly walk across the hall and talk to someone to share ideas. I enjoy that collaboration. Working in an institution, we know we're helping students on their journey to improve their own lives and those of their community and families by getting a degree. That's why I love higher education.

What do you do to turn things around when you're having a bad day?
I work on knowing my own emotions, stepping back, breathing, trying to put everything into perspective and reframing what's happening. There's always going to be a solution and I know how to seek out the help I need to get there.

What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I once stayed up for over 60 hours (about 5 days) straight traveling from Coimbra, Portugal through Madrid, New York, and Seattle, Washington. When I got back, I immediately went to see The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers with a group of friends.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
I walked up to an alligator and grabbed its tail. Probably something a rational person wouldn't normally do.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
You'll see me at my cabin, being outdoors with my wife, trying to do fun things on the lake, kayaking, or hiking one of the trails nearby. In the fall, I watch NFL football on Sundays. I'm a big Seattle Seahawks fan, so I always try to catch replays of those games.

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