Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Glendon Henry

Glendon Henry is MSUM's new Director of Art Exhibitions. Glendon grew up in Dunseith, N.D. and went to school at the University of North Dakota. In his role, Glendon helps students prepare their work for BFA shows, keeps the permanent collection of MSUM clean and in shape, and upkeeps a database of MSUM's art collection.

Q. What drew you to MSUM?
A. The director of art exhibitions position drew me here. That is why I went to grad school, because I was more interested in the planning of exhibitions for students, other artists, and teachers.

Q. What unique experience or skills from your past job did you bring to MSUM?
A. I bring a lot of knowledge to the department. I've been an art gallery coordinator and curatorial assistant. I taught art history, painting, drawing, 2D/3D design, and art appreciation at a college level.

Q. What's one thing that has surprised you about MSUM?
A. The other faculty members have been super friendly and helpful; I was really surprised also at how tightknit the community is. There is always someone to help you out.

Q. What drew you to a career in the art field?
A. When I was in grade school I was put into the gifted and talented group for art. It really made me recognize how strong my skills in art were. They offered me extra classes to help me improve. I tried out a couple different majors but kept taking more art classes and became more interested in the art world.

Q. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
A. Probably my wife, she is a social worker, she helps homeless people and people in poverty. I think putting myself in her shoes would humble me a bit.

Q. What do you enjoy most about art?
A. Educating people, being able to share and expose any misconceptions they may have. I especially like to educate people on the art history of indigenous people. My specialty is painting, drawing, and graphic design. I also work with pixel imagery.

Q. What are some projects you are excited about starting?
A. I am excited to get to know the students and faculty more. I am excited to get into the thick of things, to train student workers, and look at and help with their art. I am just ready to get started.

Q. What are we most likely to find you doing on the weekends?
A. Hanging out at home with my family. I have four daughters. On the weekends we like to relax, go to the farmers market, play video games, and go to the park.

Q. What is something that keeps you inspired at work?
A. Just being able to practice what I went to grad school for. Getting to teach and expose the students to art. Getting to show people who normally wouldn't come to the museum something they have never seen before.

Q. Do you have any advice for students looking to go into a similar field to you?
A. It is okay to not really know what you want to do right out the gate. I didn't know as an undergraduate. Just enjoy what you are doing;, don't worry about not getting an opportunity because there are so many out there that you may not have even thought about.

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