Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Vanessa Kellems

Q: What do you like so far about MSUM?
A: The culture and the family feel to it --when I came up here for my second visit I felt so welcomed and I just knew this is where I wanted to be. And I already feel like I've known the athletes for years.

Q: What made you want to coach?
A: It honestly just kind of happened. I was going to school to be a physical therapist and was doing volunteer coaching on the side. My professor reached out to me and told me that I had to coach otherwise I would be doing myself a disservice.

Q: What energizes you during practice or games?
A: During practice, it is just getting to see the players develop. Essentially just seeing that softball lightbulb go on and getting to see them try or even fail then get back up and succeed.

Q: What piece of advice have you been given that you still use?
A: Just to have fun. I always tell athletes that yes this is a grind but don't miss out on these four years because you were so focused on being perfect. I also like to remind my players to take care of their bodies; don't beat yourself up physically so that you have long-lasting injuries.

Q: What's something about you that nobody knows?
A: I am currently teaching myself to speak Japanese and Korean.

Q: If you could only have three apps on your smartphone for the rest of your life, what would they be?
A: Texting/WhatsApp, Apple Music, and Phase 10.

Q: How do you prefer to start your workday?
A: Traditionally I will go for a morning run or morning lift with the team. Then I go to the office to get my day started and prep for practice.

Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: On top of the family culture, I just missed the Midwest. I went to college in South Dakota, so I missed it up here. It was a good opportunity for me.

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
A: Telekinesis, that way I could move things around with my mind.

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