MSUM Alum Jordan Maahs to Speak at StartUp Brew

Jordan Maahs (15') graduated with a degree in communication studies with a minor in advertising from MSUM. He didn't know where his path would lead when he first stepped onto campus. Now, Jordan is co-founder of The Plant Supply and is preparing to share his story at the upcoming StartUp Brew event in Fargo.

During his time at MSUM, Maahs focused on building relationships in the classroom and through extracurricular activities. "I connected with people constantly on campus by going out and being involved. It was a great way to build relationships and experience the community," Jordan says, "Spend as much time as you can making connections, doing internships, and learning from those around you."

"I remember one class focused on cultural impacts, and I still use what I learned from that course, especially when I worked with diverse teams in different countries. It gave me the tools to bridge cultural differences," Jordan says.

After graduation, Jordan worked in several companies, from non-profit to high-tech, until he started The Plant Supply with his wife, Jackie. "I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to work with people and do something meaningful," Jordan says.

The Plant Supply started as a small hobby with Jordan and Jackie making plant pots in one bedroom of their apartment. Then, it grew into a full-scale operation during the pandemic. That was when Jordan and Jackie decided to make a business from it. The company now supplies products to more than 500 shops across the United States.

Jordan and Jackie Maahs
Credit: Studio Freshly

"We started just for fun, but it grew into something much bigger," Jordan says. "We've built something we're proud of, and it's been rewarding to create jobs and provide a space where people love working."

Jordan will speak at the StartUp Brew event at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept,18 at Brewhalla, sharing what he has learned along the way and how important community and support systems are in building a business. His advice for students and aspiring entrepreneurs is simple: "Start small and don't be afraid to fail. You don't need to have everything figured out. Just take the first step, something will click."


Today’s world demands professionals who can communicate clearly and work effectively with others. MSUM's communication studies major will help you perfect your skills in interpersonal, group and team communication.

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