Denouncing Hate and Affirming Our Values

One of a university president’s roles is to publicly articulate and affirm the institution’s values, particularly when they’ve been violated. In recent months, this aspect of my job has taken on increasing importance, especially as it relates to MSUM’s values of equity and inclusion.

Just since January, I’ve written several statements in response to acts of racism and violence in our metro area, state, and nation. This week, I addressed an act of hate that hit much closer to home: the defacement of Moorhead’s Islamic Community Center with racist, profane, and hate-filled graffiti.

In doing so, I made it clear that MSUM stands in solidarity with our Muslim students and employees, our Muslim friends and neighbors, and our Muslim community. I also made it clear that acts of hatred will not be tolerated on our campus and urged our students and employees to denounce hate in our community.

Finally, I joined other Moorhead leaders in issuing a statement condemning the defacement of the mosque. The joint statement was a powerful reminder that our community’s values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are much stronger than acts of hate. These values were abundantly clear on Monday, when hundreds of Moorhead residents showed up to demonstrate solidarity and aid in the clean-up efforts.

You can read the joint statement here:

As Moorhead residents and leaders, we stand in solidarity with our Muslim community and unequivocally denounce the hate-filled defacement of Moorhead’s Islamic Community Center this past weekend. Such hatred is antithetical to our community’s values of diversity, inclusion and respect; that these hateful acts occurred during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan is sickening.

As our Muslim friends and neighbors process their reactions to this hateful crime, we urge our greater metro community to provide support and solidarity wherever and whenever possible. We also encourage anyone with information about the crime to call the Red River Dispatch Center or the Moorhead Police Department Tip Line at 218.299.5120.

We join Moorhead Mayor Shelly Carlson in declaring that hate has no home in Moorhead.


Anne Blackhurst, President, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Carrie Brimhall, President, Minnesota State Community and Technical College
William Craft, President, Concordia College
Sheri Larson, Executive Director, Moorhead Business Association
Brandon Lunak, Superintendent, Moorhead Public Schools
Dan Mahli, Moorhead City Manager

I’m proud to be part of a community in which leaders take a strong stand against racism and hate. I’m also proud to be part of a community that rallies to support those who’ve been victims of racial and religious intolerance. As distressing as it was to witness the hate-filled graffiti and vandalism targeting our Muslim community, it was uplifting and affirming to witness the swift, unequivocal response from Moorhead residents and businesses.

As our new Mayor, Shelly Carlson, observed: Hate has no home in Moorhead.

Dr. Anne Blackhurst served as Minnesota State University Moorhead’s 11th president from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2023.

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