Donor Impact Dragon Stories
Matching Stories results

Planetarium Job Leads To NASA Career
2022 marks the MSUM Planetarium's 50th anniversary. After a half century of inspiring a curiosity in what exists beyond our sky, the people behind the Planetarium honor its significant milestone by sharing the historical orbit of this community asset.

Level up with a graduate degree from MSU Moorhead
Robert Nava, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies at MSUM, writes about new master's programs that MSUM is adding in 2023.

Higher Education Needs Communities' Support, Legislative Funding
President Anne advocates for communities' support of higher education through means of legislative funding.

Looking Up
David Weinrich was hired to work in the MSUM planetarium in 1983. He continued for 31 years until he retired as its director in 2014. The awe for his work never ended.

Kay Beckermann and innovation in the Advertising & Public Relations industry
Kay Beckermann, an assistant professor in the School of Communication & Journalism at MSUM, recently reinvigorated the student-run agency MSUM Flypaper Creative Services in August of 2021.

Listen and Learn: How One Man Serves Area Women
Minnesota State University Moorhead alum Chris Johnson proudly serves area women as leader of The Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead.

A home away from home
Moyinoluwa (Mo) Abiola ‘17, an associate at Goldman Sachs, knows the importance of connecting with the people around her in a place she loves.

Communications grad enjoys early career success
Katie Merrick is using her experience and skills gained from her communication studies degree to aid her in her work for the Fargo Force.

Stacy Broman receives Distinguished Alumni Award
Stacy Broman '85 has received the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award for her professional successes and personal milestones in her law career.

Robert Narveson receives Distinguished Alumni Award
Robert Narveson '84 received the Distinguished Alumni Award for his leadership in the retail pharmacy industry.

Anna Knutson receives Outstanding Young Alumni Award
Anna Knutson '13 has received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award for her work in advertising and marketing.

Event production partnership elevates program, creates new opportunities for students
Show Imaging brings industry insights, advises on curricula and technology and offers internships for students.