Graphic & Interactive Design Dragon Stories
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Finding Refuge
A project between MSUM’s Center for Geospatial Studies and Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge encourages visitors to document their experiences and upload them to a master map online.

Distance Learning Research Conducted by Department of Leadership & Learning
Faculty in MSUM's Department of Leadership & Learning developed a survey to learn about teachers’ and administrators’ experiences transitioning to online learning during COVID-19.

Celebrating Dragon Veterans 2020 - Andrea Bertram
Andrea Bertram served 6 years as a 42 Alpha (42A) in the Minnesota National Guard at Camp Ripley in Little Falls, Minn. She credits her service for pushing her out of her comfort zone into different leadership roles, changing her civilian life, and giving her the strength to be confident.

Celebrating Employee Dragon Veterans 2020
We proudly honor all veterans who have served our country and recognize a few of our Dragon veterans for their commitment to serve and to protect.

MSUM CARE Team and Donors Unite for Students
Funds help students through COVID-19 pandemic

Joanne Bekkerus: 'Cancer, Momentous Metamorphosis for the Soul'
Joanne Bekkerus, an MSUM alumna and employee, uses art to share her survival story of defeating ovarian cancer.

MSUM Career Center Coaches Students and Alumni for Jobs, Graduate School
The MSUM Career Development Center's goal is to empower every Dragon with the skills necessary to build a rewarding career.

Campus Duo: Jon & Jamie Wepking
From alumni, to faculty members, to family, MSUM has been a large part of Jon and Jamie Wepking’s lives.

Building More Than Dreams
Gretchen Olson '19 (construction management) lands an internship that leads to a full-time job following graduation.

MSUM Alumnus' Choir Spreads Hope Through Song
Antone Leustek ’02 (music education) has a unique opportunity in his field of music education. His choir students in Italy went viral.

Honoring a Friend
To pay tribute to her late friend, Bobbi Mason established a scholarship at MSUM in her friend's name to help students studying to become teachers.

MSUM Senior Receives First Affinity Plus Scholarship Through Music Foundation
Senior Rebecca Berth receives a $5,000 scholarship from Live Nation and the House of Blues Music Forward Foundation.