Student Resources for Basic Needs

The Dean of Students Office coordinates several resources to assist students facing financial or food insecurity.

Dragon Pantry

Located in Flora Frick 154, the Dragon Pantry welcomes any students who are experiencing difficulty accessing sufficient food. To access non-perishable food, additional items and information about community resources, stop by the Dean of Students Office or connect with us via email.

Dragon Pantry Hours
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4 pm

Swipe Out Hunger

MSUM has partnered with Sodexo and Swipe Out Hunger to help end student hunger. Sodexo has provided meals to establish a Meal Swipe Bank for students experiencing food insecurity. To see if this program is right for you fill out the Swipe Out Hunger Form.

End Period Poverty

MSUM supports ending period poverty by providing free menstrual care products in all university restrooms.

Student Emergency Assistance Grants

Students who are facing unexpected financial challenges are invited to apply for these grants.

Basic Need Resources

Many resources also exist in the Fargo-Moorhead community to support our students. The following resources are available to you to help if you are experiencing food insecurity, housing insecurity, financial hardship, transportation challenges, or other challenges. If you would like to connect with someone at MSUM to help you navigate these or other resources, please ask for help either through Ashley Berkenpas, Case Manager or the Dean of Students office.

United Way 211211 Basic Needs Resources Hub211 Basic Needs Resource Hub

MSUM and Minnesota State have partnered with United Way 211 to establish a statewide basic needs resource hub. The basic needs resource hub provides MSUM students access to basic needs resources and support available on campus and in the community via phone, text, or chat 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

United Way 211 provides free and confidential health and human services information. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. If you’re looking for information about services available in your community for you or a loved one, they can help.

Text MNHELP to 898-211(TXT211) or call 211 (toll free at 1-800-543-7709) to speak with one of their highly trained information and referral specialists. Your call is completely confidential, and they have call menus in English, Spanish, and Hmong. Interpreters are also available for any language.

Visit the 211 website to learn more or to explore resources and support that may be available.

To search the 211 database of basic needs resources online, please visit the student basic needs website.