Nelson Hall

You can’t miss Nelson Hall. Twelve floors tall and boasting a unique cylindrical shape, it’s a campus landmark. Check out the 12th floor lounge, which is used for TV watching, meetings, floor programs and studying, and offers sweeping views of campus, downtown Moorhead, the Red River, Fargo and the vast plains beyond.

In keeping with Nelson’s unique design, rooms are pie-shaped and located around the building’s perimeter. Nelson Hall is coed by floor. A circular floor plan provides for several community spaces, including a social lounge, study rooms and kitchenettes with stoves on each floor. And there’s no need to haul your laundry to the basement; laundry rooms are conveniently located on each floor.

All floors have been renovated and converted into Upperclass Singles, complete with full size bed!

Nelson Hall features the following:

  • Floors: 12
  • Occupancy Type(s): upperclass single occupancy rooms
  • Room Configuration(s): single gender per floor
  • Room Dimensions: 12'3" x 13'7" x 8'2"
  • Bathroom(s): single-gender community
  • Laundry: free; located on each floor
  • Kitchen: kitchenettes located on each floor
  • Flooring Type(s): carpet
  • Computer Network Connection(s): wi-fi in room & lounges
  • Cable TV Connection: digital cable
  • Mailbox Location: main level of Grantham Hall
  • Furniture Provided:
    • Bed: full
    • Wardrobe: moveable; closet portion has interior rod and door hook (45.5”h x 34”w x 20”d); 2 drawers (each drawer is 8.5”h x 32”w x 18.75” d)
    • Dresser: moveable 2 single-drawers; can store under bed or be stacked (14.5”h x 26”w x 24”d each)
    • Desk: moveable; 44"w x 24"d x 29"h (12" wide slide-out table space)
    • Lighting: overhead
    • Window Covering: shades
    • Fans: box fans work great in Nelson Hall; however, as you have the room to yourself, adding an pedestal fan to the space is a great option too!
    • Other Items: desk chair, wastebasket
  • Learning Community: N/A
  • Available to: Upperclass, transfer and graduate students
  • Additional Notes: lounge, study room, laundry and kitchenette on each floor; 12th floor tv lounge; computer lab with printer located in Grantham; additional lounge, piano and game tables located in Grantham