About Larry Shellito

Larry Shellito

MSUM chose to name the Veterans Resource Center in honor of Major General Larry Shellito, MSUM alumnus. Shellito started his military service in 1968 and returned to MSUM in 1971 after three years in the Vietnam war zone was a challenging transition. Being older than most of his classmates added another layer of complexity to his experience. Despite the obstacles, Shellito's determination and resilience allowed him to navigate this unique situation and find his place in the academic community. He earned his BA degree in Business Administration and Accounting and a BS in Distributive Education from MSUM, as well as his Master's in Business Education in 1979. Shellito was appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton in January 2011 to serve as the 17th Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs in 2011 where he served until January 2019. During his time in office, Shellito worked tirelessly to improve services and support for veterans in Minnesota, leaving a lasting impact on the state's veteran community.

Major General Larry W. Shellito Biography MDVA Commissioner Larry Shellito Biography