Final Form for Graduate Thesis or Project/Action Research

Custodian of Policy: Graduate Council

Relevant Minnesota State System Policy:

Effective Date: April 2018

Last Review: Spring 2023

Next Review: Spring 2030


Standards for the preparation of a research paper must conform to the manual of style required by the program in which the degree is taken. Students must work closely with their committee chair and committee in the preparation of their research paper.

RED is an open-access repository maintained by the Minnesota State University Moorhead Library to showcase, preserve, and provide access to the scholarly and creative work produced by the MSUM community.

A copy of each thesis and dissertation written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the graduate degree is deposited in RED. For those graduate students that elect to do a Project/Action Research, a copy of the abstract will uploaded in RED

  • Students completing a Thesis (699) or Dissertation (799) will create an account in Digital Commons (RED) and upload their final, advisor-approved copy in PDF format.
  • Students completing a Project/Action Research (696 or 796) will create an account in Digital Commons (RED) and upload an abstract only.
  • Instructions for creating accounts are available on the graduate website.