BS in Exercise Science & Master of Athletic Training 5-Year Degree Plan

The course track for the 3+2 MS in Athletic Training program is highly prescribed for students interested in pursuing the combination degree, mapping a very specific set of LASC, core curriculum exercise science, and master's level athletic training (AT) courses.

If you are interested in the 3+2 MS in Athletic Training complete the online form.

Years 1, 2, 3
The primary focus for year one, two, and three of the 3+2 program is to complete all foundational LASC courses as well as the majority of Exercise Science core curriculum classes. Year three marks the "candidacy period" for the aspiring MS in Athletic Training student.

Year 4
Year four offers a blend of undergraduate exercise science courses in conjunction with a variety of Master's level interdisciplinary coursework. Completion of the prescribed coursework confers a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science following year four.

Year 5
Year five is exclusively mapped for a student to complete the remaining required Master's level courses. Students are conferred their Master's of Science in Athletic Training following year five of the MS in Athletic Training program.

What makes MSUM's MS in Athletic Training unique?

  • Students are provided with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience to become a competent athletic trainer and health care provider.
  • Students receive a quality interdisciplinary education from experienced professors of exercise science, health, athletic training, health care administration, and nursing.
  • The clinical education component associated with the 3+2 MS in Athletic Training program takes place in reputable local, regional, and national clinical education sites.

BS in Exercise Science & Master's in Athletic Training Example of Course Sequencing

The 5-Year Plan is a model for completing the BS in Exercise Science and MS in Athletic Training. The plan below is one of several possible ways for you to complete the program. Your individualized plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements. If you are a transfer student and have the majority of your LASC requirements completed with will take about 3 years to complete the program. Check your Financial Aid as it may require additional term credits for full-time funding. You must complete all university and program requirements successfully to complete this degree.

  • Program: Bachelor of Exercise Science and Masters of Science in Athletic Training
  • Total Credits: 144 (104 undergraduate credits and 40 graduate credits)
  • Catalog: 2024-2025

First Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (1st Fall)
LASC Goal 1A COMM 100 Speech Communication 3
LASC Goal 1B ENGL 101 English Composition 3
LASC Goal 3 BIOL 115/115L Organismal Biology with Lab 4
LASC Goal 5 PSY 113 General Psychology 3
LASC Goal 4 MATH 127, 134 or 234 College Algebra, Applied Statistics or Intro to Probability & Statistics 3
Total Credits: 16
Spring (1st Spring)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement HLTH 110 Personal Health & Wellness 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement HLTH 330 Disease Prevention 2
LASC Goal 3 BIOL 111/111L Cell Biology with Lab 4
LASC Goal 2 LASC 2 LASC 2 3
LASC Goal 5, 7, 10 WI LASC Goal LASC Goal 5, 7 or 10 with Writing Intensive 3
Total Credits: 15


Second Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (2nd Fall)
LASC Goal 3 CHEM 150/150L General Chemistry I with Lab 4
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 202 Strength & Conditioning Exercise Techniques 1
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 302 Strength & Conditioning Program Design 2
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 320 Anatomical Kinesiology 3
LASC Goal 6 LASC Goal LASC Goal 6 3
LASC Goal 5 or 10 WI LASC Goal LASC Goal 5 or 10 with Writing Intensive 3
Total Credits: 16
Spring (2nd Spring)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 321 Human Physiology 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 311 Motor Learning 2
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement AT 220 Care & Prevention of Injuries and Illnesses 3
BS in Exercise Science Required Elective AT 210 Medical Terminology 1
LASC Goal 5, 7 or 10 WI LASC Goal LASC Goal 5, 7 or 10 with Writing Intensive 3
LASC Goal 8 BIOL 248 Introduction to Public Health 3
LASC Goal 3 CHEM 210/210L General Chemistry II with Lab 4
Total Credits: 15-19
Apply to MSUM Graduate School


Third Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (3rd Fall)
LASC Goal 3 PHYS 160/160L Physics I with Algebra & Lab 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement HLTH 305 Introduction to Nutrition 3
BS in Exercise Science Required Elective BIOL 323/323L Human Anatomy with Lab 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement - WI for major EXS 310 Sport & Play in the United States 3
Total Credits: 12
Spring (3rd Spring)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 420 Biomechanics 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 421 Physiology of Exercise 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 473 Exercise Testing & Interpretation 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement AT 225 Athletic Training Emergency/Immediate Care 3
Prerequisite for Pre-Professional programs BIOL 349/349L Human Physiology with Lab 4
Exercise Science Elective     3
Total Credits: 12-19
Confer BS in Exercise Science Undergraduate Degree
Summer (3rd Summer)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 469 Internship 2
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 600 Athletic Training Techniques 3
Total Credits: 5


Fourth Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (4th Fall)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 365 Exercise Program Design 3
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement BIOL 423/423L Advanced Gross Anatomy with Lab 4
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 610 Evaluation, Diagnosis and Intervention I 4
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement MHA 628 Healthcare Delivery Systems, Policy and Reimbursement 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 625 Athletic Training Clinical Experience I 2
Total Credits: 16
Spring (4th Spring)
BS in Exercise Science Core Requirement EXS 402 Strength & Conditioning Practicum 1
LASC Goal 6 or 9 WI LASC Goal LASC Goal 6 or 9 with Writing Intensive 3
LASC Goal or Exercise Science elective EXS 469 Exercise Science Internship 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement MHA 638 Health Information Systems 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 626 Athletic Training Clinical Experience II 2
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 615 Evaluation, Diagnosis and Intervention II 4
Total Credits: 16


Fifth Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (5th Fall)
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement MHA 605 Healthcare Quality, Safety and Regulatory Management 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement NURS 635 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Physical Assessment - Health Professions I 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 620 Athletic training Research Seminar 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 627 Athletic Training Clinical Experience III 3
Total Credits: 12
Spring (5th Spring)
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement NURS 636 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Physical Assessment - Health Professions II 3
MS in Athletic Training Core Requirement AT 692 Athletic Training Clinical Immersion/Capstone 4
Total Credits: 7

Questions? Contact Us

If you want more information or have questions please contact one of the program coordinators below.

Jay Albrecht, PhD, MS, BAS, BS
Associate Professor
Health & Human Performance Department
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2864218.477.2864
NZ 103C

Dawn Hammerschmidt, PhD, MEd, BS
Program Director- Master's in Athletic Training | Professor
Health & Human Performance Department
Send Email | Phone: 218.477.2318218.477.2318
NZ 103A