Graphic design student wins ADDY awards for capstone project “Washington Golds”

Nicholas Loock, graphic design major, received several ADDY awards from the 2022 North Dakota American Advertising Federation's (AAF-ND) Awards show. His awards include a gold ADDY for his website, a gold ADDY for his integrated brand identity, and a silver ADDY for his logo. Every award is connected to his senior capstone project of a football team called the “Washington Golds.”

The ADDY awards are a competitive showcase that recognizes the latest creative projects for advertisements made at a student and professional level. Projects are recognized regionally as well as nationally.  

For the capstone project, seniors were given the freedom to create any branding for any company concept they choose. Nick’s passion for football lead him to create a project to solve the problem regarding the Washington NFL team’s need for a new name.

“The name has a lot to do with the colors and the history of the team. Gold is precious and rare, and this name can make them hold themselves to that level,” says Nick.

His favorite part of the design process was creating the jerseys. He aimed to make a jersey that stood out that fans would love.

“The uniforms are what really represent a football team,” says Nick. “I wanted to focus on making quality uniforms that looked consistent with the NFL but also that stood out as something new that catches your attention.”

His gold ADDY awards moved on to win silver in the AAF District 8 level which includes Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. His project is now being judged at a national level.

“It's cool knowing people are seeing my project that have no idea who I am. They are only judging my project based on the quality of my work,” says Nick. “Seeing my project shown to everyone and people clapping at the show was a surreal experience."

His love for graphic design started when he took an intro level graphic design class with Tom Anstadt, associate professor of graphic design at MSUM. He wanted to take his love for art and make it into a tool for advertising. He’s been able to get hands-on experience with creating various projects.

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“My favorite part about graphic design is creating and relaying important information to people through visuals,” he says. “I get to be creative and make things that have an impact.”

On campus, Nick is an officer for the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) group and has worked for Dragon Entertainment Group as a graphic designer. He collaborated with the group to make posters, advertisements and social media graphics.

While finishing his senior year, Nick works as a digital creative for AdShark Marketing.

“My favorite part of the design process is talking with the client to get an idea and go beyond their expectations,” he says.

Nick’s dream opportunity is to work for an NFL team as their graphic designer.

Go to to see more of Nick’s portfolio. 

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